Part 3

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I quietly sat down in front of her feeling my heart racing and my hands sweating a little. She ran her tongue over her lips, swallowing hard as her eyes went over to her cup of coffee avoiding me at all costs. 

"Was your flight okay?" she finally asked making my stomach twirl hearing her voice after four years.

"Yeah" my voice came out a little raspy making me clear up my throat while she just nodded her head "Thank you for letting me come back...I tried to find someone who was adequate to come, but.."

"No" she interrupted me as her eyes focused on mine "It's fine. It makes sense since you're the one who has already been here, and knows how things work and where everything is." she slightly shrugged her shoulders as I took a sip of my coffee trying to ignore the lump in my throat. 

I smiled at her, before looking down at the table not finding a word to say. How can someone you used to tell everything, become someone you don't know how to talk to? 

"So..." I sighed looking up again "As I told Okoye before, I'm gonna be in my lab most of the time... This should be a quick research actually" I frowned my eyebrows.

"Take the time you need Y/N" she said as I could feel her looking into my soul.

"It's going to be quick" I assured her hearing a sigh leave her lips.

"C'mon Y/N" she leaned back in her chair.

"No Shuri. It's fine" I smiled at her "It's been four years. We were kids back then... I'm only here to run the tests I need to, and I'll be out of your way before you even know it" I chewed on my inner lip "Actually I do need to go now... I need to organize my stuff and shit" I said getting up and looking up as she also stood up making my legs shake a little at the image of her.

"I'll take you to your lab" she said.

"No need to" I spat grabbing my coffee "I know where everything is".

I turned around quickly walking away not daring to look back. As soon as I got to the main hallway I started to feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, my face burning and my body starting to tremble letting me know I was about to burst. I quickly got into the elevator, pressing the button to the floor my room was in, praying no one would see me. The doors opened making me quickly step up my pace realizing I didn't even had thought this through. Everything was so familiar but so heavy at the same time. I looked around as I felt my heart climbing into my throat finally opening the door to my room and quickly closing it letting my body fall down to the floor finally letting everything come out of me. 

I sat down against the door, my arms wrapped around my legs almost as if I was trying to control my body, but it wasn't working. I kept crying, burying my head between my legs, feeling my chest burning and pacing as I tried to take deep breaths between the cry. 

"Fuck" I sighed letting my head fall back onto the door "Fucking idiot" I said finally feeling myself calming down as my eyes wandered around the room.


"So...this is where you're staying" Shuri smiled at me as I looked around the room feeling some excitement building up in my body.

"Shit!" I said "This is incredible!" I looked at her noticing she had a grin on her lips as she looked at me.

"You should settle down and come down if you want to" she said.

"Oh I didn't bring that many things with me... I'm only staying for 2 weeks" I smiled at her slowly walking around the room as my eyes wandered around looking at the paintings and decor on the walls.

"You're welcome to stay for as long as you like" she smirked making me a little nervous.

"Oh no!" I chuckled "I'll be out of your way before you even know it" 

"You don't bother me..." she tilted her head a little "For as long as you want" she repeated herself "I'll see you downstairs?" she asked frowning an eyebrow as I simply nodded my head before she turned her back walking out of the room.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now