Part 30

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I stopped the car in front of the old apartment where James lived, my heart racing and almost climbing up my throat as my eyes scanned the building trying to find some excuse to leave immediately. I took a deep breath slowly stepping out of the car and walking towards the glass door, ringing the doorbell. 

"It's me" I sighed as he buzzed the door letting me in.

The whole elevator ride was probably the longest I had ever had in my life, my body was shaking with nerves as my head tried to figure out the right way to do this. I had never done something similar. Not to such a sweet and kind person as he.

"Hey" he said opening the door and letting me in as my eyes kept focused on the floor.

He followed me into the living room, the same old decoration in tones of beige and white as he had always had, always saying that were colors he could never get tired of since they were timeless and comfortable. I took a deep breath sitting down on his couch as he leaned against the kitchen balcony staring at me.

"So..." I took a deep breath finally looking up at him.

"I know what you are gonna say" he said tilting his head a little making me frown my eyebrows a little confused "About last night...It's okay" he sighed.

"What...?" I mumbled staring at him.

"I saw you two dancing together...Really close..." he smiled at me "I get it...You were engaged, and you're going through a hard time with your dad and all"

I felt a lump in my throat hearing him speak, he was so sweet. The guilt came back, making me feel as stiff as possible, while my heart paced in my chest.

"That's not it James..." I shook my head "Look... You're the sweetest and kind.."

"Don't do that Y/N" he pressed his lips together making his way over to me and sitting down resting his hand on my knee "I'm okay with it...She's your ex-girlfriend..."

"James... It's not just that..." I said feeling my lower lip trembling a little "I just don't think we should be doing this anymore..."

His eyes were scanning my face, his eyebrows a little frowned as he ran his hand over his hair.

"I get're going through something..." He repeated again as I closed my eyes shaking my head.

"No..." I said looking down "You are the kindest person I've ever met...Jesus, you're actually okay with me dancing the way I was dancing with my ex-girlfriend... You trust me, and that makes everything even worse...You were like a breeze of fresh air in my life after a really bad period of it...You made me feel like me again and helped me so much healing from everything she made me go through... But the truth is I don't think we should keep this... I feel like I'm fucking destroying you without you even knowing..." I said feeling a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Y/N...I love you..." he said never taking his eyes off me as I felt my heart burst in my chest as the words sunk into my head "It's just a rough time...We can make things right" he kept going.

I started to feel some anger building up inside of me, as he kept ignoring everything I said. 

"I SLEPT WITH HER" I finally yelled jumping up off the couch and staring into his eyes letting a sigh out my lips.

"What..." he mumbled as I noticed a tear formed in his eye.

"I slept with her" I repeated looking away "I kissed her, and slept with her, and she's been sleeping with me since she got here, and I can't get her out of my mind...Shuri will always be Shuri... And I'm sorry I made you go through this, I'm sorry for giving you hope about everything, about a future, a house, maybe even marriage and kids...but I can't do it" I shook my head using my hand to wipe off the tears on my face "Not with you... Shit...I don't think I can do it with anyone..."

"Besides her" he mumbled as his eyes focused on the floor and his voice became a whisper.

My eyes wandered around his, now, small figure, he looked so fragile, so vulnerable and weak making my heart sting against my chest as I sat back down holding his hand.

"I'm truly sorry..." I whispered.

He kept quiet as a tear fell down against his jeans before he stood up, his eyebrows frowned over his eyes, anger was consuming him making my body tremble a little.

"Get the fuck out" he mumbled through his teeth.

"James..." I said leaning back a little.

"THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" He yelled making me quickly get up.

"Calm down" my voice came out a bit shaky as I felt something similar to fear for the first time.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" he smirked at me "You're a fucking liar. You disgust me... I really wish you get what you deserve, nothing at all" he spat making me bite my lower lip "I'm sorry your dad has to see you being such a bitch on his death"

My body froze as the words came out of his lips, he had turned into someone I had never met in my whole life. James wasn't like this. He was nice. His whole body was tensed up, his fists closed against his legs as his face showed disgust and anger towards me.

"Don't talk to me like that!" I tried to sound firm, but my voice kept trembling a little.

"I'll talk to you the way I want!" He chuckled taking a step closer to me as I stepped back a little "You're a fucking whore"

I closed my eyes, feeling my body burning knowing the worst part, was the fact that he was right in everything he was saying. I let my tears roll down my face, not even trying to seem cool about it as a loud bang on the door scared me making me open my eyes.

"Get the fuck away from her" Shuri mumbled to him raising her eyebrows.

"Oh wow great...Now there's two in here" he chuckled once again turning to her.

It was only a matter of seconds for her to walk over him, her arm pushing back before hitting him on his cheek making him fall down into the couch and quickly grabbing my arm pulling me over her.

"Don't you ever speak to her again" she said looking over her shoulder as we made our way to the door "Don't ever talk to her, look at her or even speak about her" she said before closing the door behind us.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now