Part 53 - FINAL

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I kept my eyes on the mirror using my hand to take the baby hair off my face while I turned my body, peeking through my shoulder at my own reflection.

"Jesus" I sighed closing my eyes.

I slowly walked over to the chair placed in front of the bed resting my face on my hands and taking gentle breaths as I tried to calm myself down.

"May I?" I heard a soothing voice coming inside the room making me turn my head.

"Finally!" I sighed frowning my eyebrows at Nakia who was smiling at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Are you freaking out?" she chuckled tilting her head a little.

"Maybe" I laughed as she walked over to me, kneeling in front of my legs.

"It's gonna be okay...Relax...Take deep breaths" her hand caressing my cheek as I closed my eyes trying to do what she told me.

"Okay... I need to go pee" I got up hearing a laugh come out of her lips "I'll be right back"

I quickly walked out of the room, looking around the hallway and trying to move my legs feeling stuck because of the dress. I started running a little slowly, as my eyes wandered around the doors around me, searching for her name, as I finally found it violently opening it and walking inside.

"Shit!" I gasped as my eyes found Shuri sitting down on a velvet chair putting on her sneakers.

"What are you doing in here?" she frowned her eyebrows getting up and making her way to me.

"I know...I'm not supposed to see you..." I cried out making her laugh.

"It's just a stupid tradition Y/N" she shrugged her shoulders grabbing my hands against her chest and placing a gentle kiss on them "What's wrong?"

"Ahm...What about the fact that there are hundreds of people downstairs waiting for us?" I tilted my head sarcastically making her close her eyes laughing.

"C'mon...It's fine" She calmly said.

" was also fine the last time...remember?" I whispered as her hand moved over to my cheek gently caressing it and making my body loosen up a little "Like..." I took swallowed deeply "Are you going to leave me again!?" I smirked frowning my nose.

"Never" she shook her head.

"You said that the last time...So it doesn't really count" I breathed out as the nerves started to come back making my stomach twirl.

"Fair enough..." she pressed her lips "But in that perspective...How do I know you're not the one leaving?!"

"Because...I..." I tried to answer but my mind couldn't find any good answers "Shit...You don't"

"See? So...Let's go downstairs and just do it" She smiled placing a soft kiss on my cheek "You look beautiful by the way "her eyes scanned my whole body, as she let a smirk form on her lips "When this is over, I'm taking you here and do whatever I want with you".

"Please do" I smiled running my tongue over my lips.

My eyes were focused on hers, and my chest starting to move a little slower, maybe the nerves were calming down. But no. I felt the sense of nausea coming back as I looked down at my clothes and realized what was about to happen.

"I love you..." she whispered making me frown my nose.

"The three 'I love you's? " I smirked at her teasing her remembering the days when we were younger.

"Fuck the three... I'll give you thousands of them... I love you" she whispered kissing my head "I love you" my nose "I love you" my cheek "I love you" my chin "I love you" my lips.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now