Part 4

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A sigh came out of my lips as I closed my eyes starting to feel a little desperate looking at all the papers and stupid forms in front of me. How could I be stuck on this after years and years of studying it. I took a deep breath, opening my eyes again and facing the numbers ahead of me supporting my head with my hand. It was impossible. 

I got up, pulling my hair back slowly walking out of the room as I felt my body getting a little shaky from the nerves. The hallways had never seemed so short in my entire experience in Wakanda, but somehow, I found myself inside of the elevator, the doors already open as my eyes searched for her.

"Shuri?" I called her out loud as a few heads turned over me with curious looks on their faces.

"Here!" she answered lifting up her arm for me to see her.

I slowly walked over, as my eyes wandered around the room staring at some designs on her boards, she was so good at what she did.

"Are you busy?" I asked glancing at her. She smirked at me tilting her head a little before her eyes looked around the room making it obvious she was. "Right! Sorry!" I said slowly turning away.

"Do you need something?" she interrupted making me turn around again.

"Actually..." I frowned my nose "I was in the middle of my tests...and "

"And you need my help" she smirked as I felt a smile forming on my lips.

"I can always call Sarah or someone back at the office" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why didn't you tho?" she tilted her head as her eyes traveled my whole body making me frown.

"Fine. I'll call her" I shrugged my shoulders "You're no help with that attitude"

"Now...C'mon...No need to be mean" she chuckled as I stared into her eyes "What do you need?" she asked putting down her tablet and walking over to me as I made my way towards the elevator.

We stood quiet inside those little four walls, as my eyes wandered around it, noticing it was the longest elevator ride I had ever been on. 

"Why are you making this weird?" she asked with a smirk on her lips.

"What?!" I glanced at her.

"Yeah..." she shook her head "It's really uncomfortable"

I rolled up my eyes hearing her chuckle, letting a sigh out as the doors opened right in front of my lab.

"So..." I walked her over the project "I'm not being able to get these two formulas to work together. They just won't combine. But the odd part is...I did it before. When I was in here... So I don't get it" I shrugged my shoulders as I pointed out the paper sheet.

She carefully looked at it, her teeth chewing on her inner lip, as her eyebrows frowned against each other right before her mouth opened with a smile.

"Are you serious?" she tilted her head "You don't remember this?!" 

"If I did I wouldn't be asking you for help" I said emphasizing the 'you' part, but she just ignored it.

"You need to add a small percentage of the vibranium cells in it. We did this right on the first week you arrived Y/N" she smirked turning around to face me.

I squeezed my eyes remembering it, feeling like an idiot for not thinking about it. Shuri had given the idea of adding small amounts of vibranium extract to every plantation I had made, saying that made the soil way more fertile. I trusted her blindly, and it was the first time I felt I had actually achieved something in my research field.

"Fuckk" I chuckled making her roll up her eyes "You're right!"

"I know" she shrugged her shoulders as her tongue ran over her lips making my eyes follow every inch of it. 

She was leaning against the desk, her hands stuck in her pockets as her eyes focused on mine casually peeking over to my lips making my stomach twirl a little letting me know she wasn't even trying to hide it. I stared at her feeling my heart race more and more before I took a step back clearing out my throat.

"Thank you tho" I smiled turning my back and rearranging some papers together on my desk.

"Why don't you come to dinner with me?" she said making me look at her.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Tonight." she nodded her head still with that stupid grin on her lips "let's get some dinner"

"Shuri c'mon..." I sighed "I don't think it's a good idea"

"Why not? I mean...I'm the smartest person in the whole country, and I don't see it as a bad idea..." she continued.

"You're not the smartest person in here Shuri" I tilted my head sitting down on my chair.

"You look good in your lab coat" she quickly said making my cheeks burn a little "But I actually am. You just asked me for help... Admit it"

"I'm not very hungry actually" I pressed my lips together.

"I'm sure you'll be by that time" she insisted almost as I started to feel a little drawn to her knowing where it would lead. "8 o'clock in front of the palace..." she smirked turning her back and slowly walking to the door "Dress something nice"

I stood still as my eyes followed her all the way into the elevator feeling my stomach twirl and my chest get cold from the inside out. What the hell had just happened? I knew Shuri was a little unpredictable but never saw this coming in a million years. I closed my eyes as I realized I was about to get dinner with the person who had hurt me more than I could possibly had imagined being possible, and with the person I had loved the most in my entire short little life.

And that sure wasn't going to be good. 

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now