Part 39

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"What?!" I kept my eyes on her feeling the anxiety growing in my chest.

"So...tomorrow..." she said forming a smile on her lips "I need you to wear something different..."

"What? What do you mean..." I frowned my eyebrows at her.

"Your dad asked me to convince you to wear something colorful" she smirked at me making me laugh "Nothing black..."

"Shuri I'm not wearing a fucking rainbow to my dad's funeral" I said trying to hold back a smile.

"It was his wish..." she shrugged her shoulders a little amused by it "Are you sure you want to deny his wish?"

"See...?" I chuckled putting a fry in my mouth "That's why I didn't like when you two got all alone together..."

"Why...? 'Cause great minds think alike?" she frowned her eyebrows at me.

"Fine..." I sighed "But then, you can't wear anything black as well..."

"Babe...I'm all black...that's gonna be hard" she smirked as I tilted my head while laughing making her smile filled with pride at her own joke.

Shuri stopped the car in front of my house as I glanced at it, as a sense of emptiness filled my body almost making me freeze. I slowly walked out of the car and up the stairs as Shuri followed me in silence. When I turned the key around and opened the door, my chest started burning as I realized there was no one else inside—just pure silence. I felt Shuri's hand on my back convincing me to keep going, as my legs started to feel stuck by each second. 

"C'mon..." She whispered grabbing my hand "Let's go to bed".

She closed the door behind me, as her eyes scanned my face making me look at her.

"Shit" I said frowning my eyebrows as I felt the tears coming back and a hole forming in my stomach.

I slowly followed her up the stairs, entering my room and closing the door behind me. 

"Am I staying?" she asked frowning an eyebrow.

"Yes" I nodded my head making my way to the bed and letting my body fall down "I don't even wanna dress to go to bed"

"C'mon..." she smiled at me "Just take the jeans off and put on some sweats" I felt her sitting down next to me making me open one eye to look at her "I'll turn my back" she smirked making me feel a smile form on my lips.

I sat up, quickly taking off the jeans, as she kept her eyes on the ceiling while I dressed the black sweatpants and a hoodie before putting my hair up. 

"You're good" I said as she finally rested her eyes on me once again.

I climbed into the bed, covering my whole body up to my nose with my blanket and feeling her laying down right next to me. For the last couple of days, Shuri was never the one to grab me, or even touch me when we were in bed, I could see she was giving me space and just being there. 

I rested my head on her chest, as her arm came around my back pulling me closer to her and her lips gently kissing the top of my head.

"When does this stop?" I mumbled against her sweatshirt.

"It doesn't..." she sighed running her fingers on my back "I guess you get used to it... Missing the person, the pain, the emptiness...It just starts to make part of your day, and suddenly you don't even realize it's there, because it's already part of you..."

I felt my stomach twirling as if someone just took a punch at it, as her words ran through my mind. My dad died, and it felt like there was nothing else around me, nothing that mattered. Everything was dark and numb. But, she also had lost someone. Her mother and brother. I felt my throat closing as I slowly looked up at her. How did she do it?

"How did you do it?" I asked as she frowned her eyebrow at me "Get through it....?"

"Oh c'mon..." she smiled tilting her head back a little as I kept quiet waiting for an answer. "You" she finally said pressing her lips together. 

"Bullshit" I said feeling my chest moving a little faster.

"Don't get all full of yourself" she smirked at me "You didn't took the pain away... It was just..." she took a deep breath staring at the ceiling as she tried to find words "You were a breeze of fresh air, there was something about you that made me look forward to waking up and get down in my lab just waiting for you... Every day you walked in there with the most energetic smile on your face, always asking for something, and suddenly I stop being mad all the time..." her eyes were gently looking into mine as I felt myself getting stuck on them.

"That's not entirely true..." I smirked at her "I do remember you beating up the hell of that guy the first time we went out together with Riri..."

"He had it coming..." she shrugged her shoulders making me chuckle. "Eventually you'll find something or someone who takes your head get out of the darkness and makes everything seem lighter... You did that for me, each day...You still do..." 

"God..." I sighed realizing it "I didn't even ask you... How are you... with all of this".

"I'm gonna miss him a lot" she took a deep breath "Who am I gonna tell my jokes to?" she smirked looking back into my eyes.

"To me" I whispered.

"Nah...You won't laugh..." she chuckled before running her fingers on my cheek.

"I know he was like a father to you..." I sighed "And you were like a daughter to him.

"I know" she softly nodded her head pressing her lips together "And trust me...You're gonna be okay" she smiled as I felt my lips curling "If anyone can do's you..." Her eyes were stuck on mine, as the warmness of her hand against my cheek made my body slowly start to relax while her perfume ran over my nose. 

"I don't feel that darkness right now" I whispered lifting my chin up and feeling my heart slowly beating in my throat.

"That's good" she whispered back, so close I could feel her breath against my lips "He would be proud of you... I know I am..."

I felt my face slowly moving closer to her, as her hand kept resting against my cheek and my body started to burn at her touch.

"Why?" I asked quickly glancing over her mouth as my tongue ran over my lips.

"Because..." she said "You're the most amazing person on this Earth...And that's one of the many reasons why I love you" she mumbled before I attached my lips to hers, feeling my chest bursting. 

It was almost as if my body had been electrocuted, a shockwave ran through my body, her lips slowly moving against mine, as her tongue gently entered my mouth caressing mine and making me inhale as deeply as possible. I turned my body a little, letting her pull me on top of her as her hands gently grabbed my waist making me shiver.

"Say it again" I whispered against her lips not opening my eyes.

"I love you" she repeated without hesitation before locking her lips with mine again.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now