Part 17

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"At least he is in a good mood?" James sighed leaning against the vending machine.

"It's my dad James...I don't think I've ever seen him not in a good mood" I frowned my eyebrows at him almost annoyed "that doesn't mean anything".

"I'm just saying" he mumbled glancing at me.

"I know what you're saying... And it still doesn't mean anything" my voice came out a little harsh making me feel guilty. He kept quiet as the machine let the chocolate bar fall down making him bend over to remove it "Thank you for being here" I sighed.

"Don't need to thank me babe" he smiled resting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him, kissing my forehead.

I felt my body trembling a little at it, as the feeling of guilt came right back to me. He was so sweet, so kind, how could someone hurt someone like him? I pulled away a little, lifting my chin up to look at him.

"How's the research?" he smiled.

"Pretty good" I mumbled "I'm almost done...There are still a few things I need to deepen, but I think it's going to work"

"Sorry to interrupt" Shuri's voice startled me making my head slowly turn in her direction "I just came back from the doctor..." her voice was low as her eyes rested on James before moving to me.

"What?" he asked a little confused.

"Yes James...I'm a Queen...I can talk to whoever I want to" she frowned her eyebrows at him showing some annoyance at his question as he pressed his lips together a little embarrassed" He explained the whole situation, and I want to take your dad back to Wakanda" she stared into my eyes.

I kept quiet as my eyes searched her face trying to take it all in. Why would she want to move my dad back to Wakanda? He was already in a hospital. I pulled away from James's arm turning all the way over to her.

"Why would you want that?" I frowned my eyebrow at her as the fear started to build up in my throat.

"Y/N" she sighed "C'mon...let's just get there and then we can talk about it" she tilted her head a little as I felt my chest burning at her words.

"I don't think we should" James finally spoke again making me turn my head to him "He's got doctors and meds here...We should trust them" he closed his fist next to his leg.

"Calm down James" Shuri raised an eyebrow at him trying to control a smirk.

"Wakanda has the best medical resources in the World James" I took a step closer to him.

"Yeah James" Shuri said ironically "You do seem the kind of person to trust easily...But you know? Sometimes that trust gets broken... What do you do then?" her eyes were focused on him provocating him as her voice became more and more amused.

"Stop" I spat at her clenching up my jaw.

Shuri ran her hand over her lips never taking her eyes off him, as I slowly moved closer to James grabbing his arm.

"We're taking him to Wakanda" I said looking up at his eyes.

"I have some great news Sir" Shuri smiled walking into the room and sitting down next to my dad.

"You finally convinced my daughter..." he stopped his sentence as his eyes found James walking into the room "Oh"

"You're evil" Shuri chuckled tinting her head to the side "I'm taking you to my lab to fix you"

I kept my eyes on him, his stare was a little empty, and he didn't had a smile on his lips no more, making me bit my lower lip with concern.

"Dad?" I took a step closer "Did you hear Shuri? You're going back to Wakanda" I tried my best to sound happy.

"I've already talked to you doctor, he says it's a good idea" Shuri smiled at him.

"Guys..." he sighed "I would like to talk to my daughter alone" he mumbled resting his eyes on his lap.

I felt my heart racing faster, my head running wild as I quickly looked at Shuri who was now getting up and making her way out of the room. James stood still, his hands on his jacket, staring at me with kindness.

"Hey big boy" Shuri called him "Didn't you heard him? Move!" She frowned her eyebrows and gesturing the way to the door with her hands making him look at me almost asking for help.

They both left the room closing the door behind them, as I took a set closer sitting down on the bed feeling my dad's hand grabbing mine.

"I'm not going" he mumbled.

Opposites - Part 2 (Shuri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now