48. Epilogue ♡

468 28 81

Korea, 16th April, 2018

"Oh god, I'm late and lost" the boy ran through the corridor of the school, carrying a bunch of papers in his hands, checking all the rooms around to find the principal's office.

"Not on the first day goddam- AAH SHIT!" with a loud bang he fell on the floor on his hip, all his papers scattering around the corridor.

"Oh god" he rubbed his hip, eyes tightly shut, when he heard another voice.

"Oww!" the other person hissed.

He opened his eyes just to see that he actually ran into someone.

"Oh no I-I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he apologised right away "I'm new here and I'm kinda lost and I-I didn't see y-"

"No, I'm ok" the boy was cut off when the other one spoke, holding the back of his head.

The boy finally lifted his head and met the boy who just yanked the shit out of him at 8 in the morning.

The moment he lifted his head and they both looked at each other, oh they froze.

They stared at each other. Just sitting there on the ground, none of them understanding where they got lost atvall of a sudden. There was a wired feeling that irrupted in their tummies.

It felt like an hour, before the other boy cleared his throat and got up, making the smaller to snap out of whatever he was in and get up.

"Uh l-let me help you with your papers" he said, looking at all the papers scattered all over the floor.


Both of them not even dared to glance a look at each other, quietly picking up the papers.

"There" the taller boy handed him the papers, totally avoiding any kind of eye contact.

"T-Thank you. Um, I'm H-Han Jisung. I'm 16. I'm a t-transfer student" the younger said looking down, ears and cheeks burning red.

"Oh yeah r-right. Hi" the other seemed even more nervous than him.

Jisung lifted his head to look at the boy in front of him, clutching his papers to his chest 'He is so pretty...' was the only that came in his mind when he saw that face properly.

"Uh, yeah. I-I'm Minho. Lee Minho. I'm your senior by two years" he said, looking everywhere but at the boy.

Jisung could see his cheeks dusted red with a light blush. Oh this made him blush even more.

Finally Minho lowered his head to look at the smaller. Blinking awkwardly, his eyes finally landed on the boy.

Oh Jisung looked so innocent and small that Minho instantly felt a need to adore and protect him 'I won't let anybody bully you here' he instantly made a mental note, carefully adoring his every feature.

They stared at each other until the older spoke again.

"Nice to meet you... again" his voice came out in almost whispers, words slipping out of his mouth without realising.

None of them seemed to register. what he said. "Y-Yeah" the smaller whispered back and looked down, feeling shy and nervous by the way the older was looking at him with oh such soft eyes.

Minho kept looking at the boy in front of him, trying to understand the weird feeling, when...

"Jisung!" they both snapped their heads in the direction of the voice. "Looks like you found youself a friend already?" an older man said with a welcoming smile on his face.

The boys glanced at each other slightly and looked away immediately.

"I guess you are lost, isn't it? Come on. Follow me to my office, I'll give you your schedule and classes" the man said and started to walk past them.

Jisung nodded a little, nervously looking up at the older one last time, before walking past him, following behind the man.

Minho put his hands in his pockets with a sigh, before turning around to see the boy. The moment he turned, he saw Jisung turning as well.

They both look at each other. None of them smiled. They just kept looking at each other, like they were trying to recognize someone they knew.

Jisung suddenly dropped his gaze and turned back around to follow the principal, as Minho saw him go into the principal's office and sighed.

He turned back around and looked at the sky. It felt like there was a strick of peace in his heart. Like something painful yet so relaxing just hit him.

"I suddenly wanna eat a Cotton Candy"

He smiled to himself before walking towards his own class.



"You waited?"

"For you? Yes."





Now, tell me how was it?
ALL OF YOU! Even my silent readers! <3
Just tell me about it!

Hope you all loved this little story *lots of kisses for all of you* MWAH MWAH MWAH 💗🤍

Hope you all loved this little story *lots of kisses for all of you* MWAH MWAH MWAH 💗🤍

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Love you babies <3


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