27. I Understand

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Korea, 8th January, 1964

04:00 pm

"Felix, baby he will not come"

"I know, he will. I know"

When last night Chan explained what happened at the park, all Felix asked for was to meet Hyunjin and tell him everything.

There was a little reason to why Felix had a good feeling about Hyunjin, why his heart trusts him. The reason was, that he have read all the letters Hyunjin has sent to Jeongin and the last letter he read was the one where Hyunjin told Jeongin about his family, his job and confessed his love to him. Chan never read any letters.

And Jeongin?


"Just, please, we can wait a little more. Please Chan" Felix pleaded and Chan sighed in defeat.

They both were sitting on the bench of the same park, hoping that Hyunjin would come again today, but it has been 2 hours and he was not seen anywhere. But Felix was stubborn and Chan can't say no to him. So they decided to wait for a little more.

06:00 pm

"Felix, let's go home now. He will not come" Chan said with a concerned tone but frowned the moment he looked at the smaller's face.

"What happened? What are you thinking?" he asked when he saw Felix staring at the grass, looking like he was very focused on something going on in his mind.

"Hyung... He is here, in Korea, for only one purpose. Only and only to meet Jeongin? Right?" Felix questioned, trying to figure out something, to which Chan just nodded with a hum.

"And he saw Jeongin here and nowhere else, but he still doesn't came here again. Cuz.... He have one more place to go to, to find Jeongin"

"No! I'm not going anywhere! I'm here just for a GODDAMN ADDRESS!" The boy was far from frustrated and was not in a mood to take any reasoning from anyone whatsoever.

"We do not give a fuck about what are you here for! You are not allowed inside and she is not gonna meet you. And if you will not leave in next 5 minutes, I will punch the shit out of you" the guard warned in a threatening tone, not affected by the boy's aggression at all.

"Do whatever you want! I JUST WANT CHAN HYUNG'S ADDRESS! I know Mrs. Yang would have it! Please just ask her that atleast once?" Hyunjin pleaded in hope, just for it to be crushed again.

"Listen you piece of shit, go and fuck yourself cuz this gate is not gonna ope-"

"Oh hi Andrew~"

A sudden, clearly mocking, voice disturbed the man, making him look behind the boy.

Hyunjin turned around in the direction of the voice and found a boy with beautiful freckles, walking towards him.

'Felix...' he immediately recognised the said boy.

Felix walked past Hyunjin, looking straight into the guard's eyes with a sarcastic smile.

"Good evening, Sir!" the guard greeted Felix, and Hyunjin frowned in confusion but then remembered, 'Felix hyung's parents are very rich, even more than my parents'

"I expect this gate to open with this instance, my dear Andrew"

Oh Felix sounded scary. This was nowhere near the 'Lixie hyung' Jeongin has described to Hyunjin.

"Uh, Y-Yes. Yes. Sorry sir" the guard backed away a little and opened the gate.

Hyunjin saw Felix turn towards him and smile a little, while he was just standing there, blankly looking at Felix, when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder. Hyunjin flinched a little and turned around, just to find Chan standing behind him with a soft smile.

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