29. Your New Person

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Korea, 14th January, 1964

"Excuse me..."

The boy, sitting on the park bench, lifted his head , looking up at the little kid calling him.

"Yes?" he smiled and leaned forward towards the kid "You want something?" He smiled at the smiling little boy.

"Um, I wanted to give this to you, cuz you are so pretty and Mumma says it will make you happy" the kid beamed a smiled with big eyes, extending his arm, holding a little white flower in his small hands.

The boy looked at the flower with big eyes before smiling at the kid "Thank you" he smiled "You are so cute too" he extended his arm, placing it on the boy's head and ruffled the hair, taking the flower from his hand.

The kid giggled and ran to his mother.

Jeongin smiled and kept looking at the kid as he saw him walk out of the park, jumping and giggling while talking to his mother.

He looked down at the flower in his hand slowly his smile fell.

"Does he know me?" he questioned himself, looking at the flower with sad eyes "Have I forgotten him too?" he mumbled sadly, playing with the little flower lightly.

He sat there in silence, letting his thoughts indulge his heart into sadness, when...

"OH FUC-" He suddenly yelped and jumped when a little dog almost jumped on him out of nowhere.

"Oh god, you sacred me!" he said, clutching at his heart, trying to even his breath.

The dog stood in front of him, wiggling his tail, smiling with his tongue out, looking happy and excited.

Jeongin finally smiled and reached out to pat the dog's head. The dog immediately got even more excited, started jumping around and suddenly jumped on Jeongin's lap and started licking his face.

He giggled, trying to get away "S-Stop... Hey!" he laughed.

The dog finally got off and braked excitedly.

Jeongin chuckled and softly placed the little flower on top of the dog's head.

"Do you know me? Am I your old friend?" a pained smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm sorry if I forgot you too..."

' "He was into an accident"

Hyunjin stared blankly at the doctor, trying to intake the information.

"Normally, I twist my words a little so the families of my patient won't get a shock. But after talking to Felix, I don't think you are ready for any twisted of sympathetic words" Dr. Yun said, trying to prepare Hyunjin for what he was about to listen.

But Hyunjin?

Hyunjin just blinked, waiting for the answers.

"Jeongin... He got into an accident in the June of 1962. That is, almost an year and a half from now" the doctor started "It was a bus accident. A local bus, with failed breaks. 2 people died and many were severely injured, and... one of them was Jeongin"

Hyunjin was blank, like he already knew that something worst is going to come next.

And when Hyunjin didn't reacted at all, Dr. Yun sighed and continued.

"He normally used to travel in the own cars, but that day his dad had hit him again after getting drunk and took his car keys, so he took the local bus" He paused a little and gave a sad smile to the boy.

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