32. Where Are You?

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Korea, 19th January, 1964

Jeongin was so annoyed, because from past two days, he was not able to go to the park because of the appointments with Dr. Yun. So today he clearly told Chan to come atleast one hour late from their regular time, and who was Chan to say no? Instead, he was more than happy to say yes.

He sat on the bench, a little sad, because it has been almost half an hour but the older was not seen anywhere. He sighed and looked down at the grass.

Where was Hyunjin? Obviously he is late. He went to Dr. Yun to take all the updates about Jeongin's recent health reports.

And when Jeongin was drowning in his sad thoughts...

"Why is the little flower seems sad today?"

Jeongin didn't even had the time to be happy that the older finally came, he just blushed instantly at his words. 'He called me a Flower' was all he was able to process.

He turned to look behind and saw the older smiling softly at him, hands in his pockets, eyes sparkling with love and calmness.

"Hyung!" oh how fast Hyunjin's heart raced. It is such a simple word but it just felt so different and lovely coming from Jeongin's mouth for him.

Jeongin stood up excitedly and felt embarrassed right after, making Hyunjin chuckled. "U-Uh.... Where is Berry?" he asked trying to distract the older but oh the happiness bloomed in his heart when he realised that the older probably came only to meet him because usually he comes to walk Berry but today Berry was not there but Hyunjin still was.

"He is at the vet. He got some injections so he's sleeping" Hyunjin smiled and sat down. Jeongin blush to how less the distance was between them.

"Are you late because of the vet?" Jeongin asked without realising what he was asking.

"Were you waiting for me?" Hyunjin smiled and Jeongin instantly realised, snapping his head away from the older's gaze.

He blushed and just muttered a 'no'.

Hyunjin chuckled at the fluttered boy "I was trying to bake cookies, but they burned, so I got late cuz of all the cleaning and stuff" he said, remembering how Felix yelled at him to clean all the destruction he did in his kitchen, tyring to make cookies for Jeongin.

"You like cookies?" the younger asked, blinking at the man with big eyes.

"Hm. Chocolate chip ones"

Jeongin smiled, revising the recipe for chocolate chip cookies in his mind and muttered a "Done" quietly under his breath.


"Hm? Nothing."



Korea, 20th January, 1964

Jeongin skipped happily entering the park with a small orange box in his hands. It was Sunday today, so Chan was not going to come to pick him up, so he had all the time in his hands to spent with the older.

This time, he was not as disappointed when he didn't saw the older there, he knew he's gonna come eventually. Atleast that's what he thought.

The boy sat there, waiting for almost 2 hours now. He looked at the small box on his side and sighed. "Your cookies are getting cold..."

Felix and Chan watched the younger with concerned eyes from outside of the park "He should've atleast met him once" Felix mumbled looking at a disheartened Jeongin.

"He couldn't, Lix. He would've cried" Chan said and Felix knew Chan understood Hyunjin way more than he did in these couple of days, so he couldn't disagree with him.

Hyunjin has went back to Spain, without telling or even meeting Jeongin.

Felix couldn't belive 15 days flew off so fast. He knew Hyunjin was not coming back anytime soon, or maybe he's never coming back again.

Hyunjin totally refused Felix for any financial help, so Felix believed that Hyunjin had no plans on coming back to Korea again, and Felix will not blame him for that. This situation was tough and doesn't blame Hyunjin for wanting an out.

But it's just, Jeongin was so happy from past 3-4 days, and this made Felix so anxious when he thought about his Innie going back to the silent Jeongin he has been seeing for past 2 years. He didn't wanted that to happen again.



Spain, 21st January, 1964

"HYUNJIN!" Yeonjun screamed, scaring the people around him at the airport and jumped in excitement, hugging the latter, but frowned when he received a very lighter one.

"So? How was it? You met him? He told you why he stopped sending you lette-"

"Yeonjun. I want to go to the academy. Now. We'll talk later" Hyunjin said, holding himself back from crying his heart out and break down at the very moment.

Yeonjun got a little worried. No. He got really worried. Hyunjin's eyes were so sad, like they've lost all their hopes. "B-But you just came back?"

"Yeonjun... Please?"

"O-Ok..." he knew it was totally useless for now to try and talk to the other, so he just grabbed some of his luggage and they both headed to the bus stop, taking the bus to their academy.

Hyunjin was completely silent the whole ride. It made Yeonjun even more concerned, he knew something bad has happened in Korea.

"Hyunjin! My child. You are back. You didn't had to come to work that quick, I know you landed today only, you could've rested for a day or two" Mr. Lopez beamed, truly excited to see his favorite employee.

Hyunjin smiled and greeted him "Sir, I needed to talk to you about something"

"Yes, say?"

Hyunjin and Yeonjun were both in their boss's office, and oh boy, Yeonjun's eyes popped out of his head when the next words came out of Hyunjin's mouth.

"Sir, do we have our academy's branch in Korea?"


Will do anything for you my little ♡

Will do anything for you my little ♡

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Love you babies <3


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