31. Still My Little

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Korea, 15th January, 1964

"Yes yes, you too. See you tomorrow" the boy smiled to the lady, bowing down and immediately bidding a bye, clearly in hurry.

"Are you getting late for somewhere?" the lady asked finishing her lunch.

"Uh, yes, um.. I am actually... Chan hyung asked me to come early today, and I have already talked to the principle for half day, so... " he lied and immediately turned around to walk out of the office.

"Oh ok, see you tomorrow then" she slimed and waved at the already gone boy "Hm, he must really be in some hurry" she mumbled to herself before packing her lunch box.

Jeongin ran to the park, fixing his clothes and hair in between. His face having a visible light pink blush.

He came to the park almost an hour early from his daily timing, just for one and only one reason.

He stopped at the gate of the park for catching his breath "What the fuck am I even doing" he mumbled shyly to himself, a little embarrassed by his own actions.

But as soon as he entered the park, his face got washed with disappointment when he didn't saw any dog playing around and no one with those pretty brown hair was sitting on the bench.

He sighed as a little pout appeared on his lips. He quietly walked towards the bench he usually sit on and sat down. He felt so embarrassed "I'm acting so desperate. I don't even know his name..."

He was busy in his thoughts, when suddenly, he felt his right cheek being rubbed against something wet. He looked at his side and...

"BERRY!" he jumped the moment he saw the dog.

But the moment he realised that the actual reason behind his excitement was not the dog, but the man who was smiling down at him, oh the way he blushed.

"Oh, um... H-Hi.." Jeongin stuttered out,seeing the older standing beside his bench, making him chuckle.


Both the boys sat in silence, watching Berry mess around and play by himself. Hyunjin was holding himself back from just grabbing Jeongin's hand and telling him how much he misses him. How badly he wants to hug him.

And Jeongin? He was smiling uncontrollably, because today there was a little less distance than yesterday, between the two.

"Hwang Hyunjin" the older suddenly spoke, catching the boy's attention "I'm 25. I live in Spain. I'm here on a solo trip" Hyunjin stated out of nowhere, turning towards the younger waiting for him to speak.

Jeongin looked at the older and blinked dumbly before looking down and clearing his throat "I-I'm Jeongin. Yang Jeongin. I'm 22. I live here, in Korea". He informed, but there was an evident sadness in his voice when he got to know that Hyunjin was here for a trip and will go back eventually.

And the sadness didn't go unnoticed by the Hyunjin. Hyunjin knew Jeongin too much to not notice that.

"You come here everyday?"

"Hm?.. Yeah... Um, I work in the nearby kindergarten" Jeongin said looking at the grass, not noticing the way Hyunjin was staring at him.

"You are pretty...." Hyunjin muttered quietly, well aware of what was saying. He just couldn't hold back at this point. Jeongin was looking so pretty, all grown up and mature yet so little and soft.

Jeongin's face immediately turned red at the sudden compliment, not daring to look at the older. "T-Thank you" he muttered silently.

There were no conversations between the two after that. Hyunjin had a lot of things to say, but he couldn't. And Jeongin just couldn't come up with anything. Time slowly passed and...

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