36. Mine! Yours.

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Oh the silence was so loud and awkward. All of them were sitting on the dinner table, silently eating their food. No one uttering even one word. The only sound to be heard were of the plates, spoons and forks.

Since Hyunjin and Jeongin entered the couple's house, there was an awkwardness Jeongin could clearly feel. The whole time Felix was in the kitchen and rest of them were sitting on the couch staring at the television. And now they are here, staring at their food.

And oh boy Jeongin was so over it. He was so frustrated to see all of these grown ass adults behaving like it was their first day of junior school.

It's not like they all didn't wanted this meet up to be fun and everything, but they were scared, because one slip of tongue, one wrong word out of their mouths, and there will be a mess that they will never be able to clean. And none of them wanted that.

"Food is really good, hyung" Jeongin said, wanting to start a conversation hopefully.

"Thanks" was all Felix replied with and went back to eating. And oh Jeongin was so irritated and done.

"I'M GOING TO THE WASHROOM!" He suddenly yelled, slamming his hands on the table, making the other three shook in surprise. He immediately got up and walked away, leaving the three behind.

As soon as the youngest left...

"Are you guys kidding me right now? Do something? Say something? Anything?" Hyunjin whisper-yelled to Chan and Felix.

"What in the hell am I supposed to say?" Chan replied, trying to defend himself.

"Anything? Ask me what I do for a living?"

"What are you? His fiancé? And what are we? His parents?" Felix whispered, throwing his hands everywhere.

"You better keep your silence, this all is happening because of you, ok!" Hyunjin said, pointing hia finger at Felix and Chan immediately stuffed the steak in his mouth and looked away because he knew it was the truth.

"What the fuck!? How is this my faul-"

"And, first of all, you tell me where the fuck is Berry? It has been 10 days since I came back. I told you to take care of him, not to sell him to that friend of yours. Jeongin has been asking me daily about him. What am I suppose to answer him, huh?" Hyunjin whisper-yelled, getting a little loud by each word.

"Shut the fuck up! Beomgyu took him on the vacation with him. And I don't know what you say to him. That's your problem, bitch" Felix whispered pointing a fork to Hyunjin's face.

"Wait wait wait. Who is Berry?" Chan interrupted the two from almost murdering each other.

Oh right. Chan never got the 'name-change' news.

"Kkami. This bitch said that Jeongin named him Berry, so he is Berry now" Felix whispered narrowing his eyes at Hyunjin.

"Well. To be honest, I like Berry more" Chan normally said, tilting his head.

"Shut up! Kkami was better" Felix said, and almost slammed hia hands on the table in frustration when...

"Are you guys done eating!?"

They all jumped on their chairs at the sudden voice.

"Y-Yeah.." Hyunjin shuttered out seeing Jeongin's annoyed face.

"Good. Felix Hyung, where is the set of cards you said we used to play in high school?"

"I-In the second drawer of that cupboard" Felix said pointing at the black cupboard.

"Ok. Now. I except each one of you settled in the middle of the living room by the time I come back with the cards. Got it?" he ordered and looked at each one of them with annoyed looks.

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