38. Lust For You

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"Someone's on the door"


"Baby, someone's on the door"

"No! Let them be, they will go away. And also, this is not a time to be at someone's house"

"Chan, baby leave me. Let me see who it is" the boy wiggled, trying to get out of his boyfriend's hold.

"Nooo~ My cuddle time!" the older whined, trying to hold the boy down.

"I know my baby. I will come quickly and give you more cuddles, ok" Felix said, finally slipping out of Chan's hold, leaving a whiny and pouty Chan behind.


It was 6 in the morning, when every soul was either sleeping or getting ready for their day. Felix and Chan just woke up when they heard their bell go off. It was weird because who could be there at 6 in the morning?

"Coming" Felix ran to the door, slipping his shirt over his head and finally twisting and knob, pushing the door open.

"Ye- Jeongin!?"

The moment Felix opened the door and his eyes landed on the person behind it, his heart dropped to his stomach. Jeongin was standing there, full of tears, shaking lightly, probably because of a lot of crying, neck covered in red bite marks, hair all messed up. The sight was heartbreaking and scary.

"Jeongin! What happened!?" Felix immediately freaked out "CHAN, COME HERE!" he pulled the boy in the house, locking the door behind them, and made the younger sit down on the couch, immediately giving him a galss of water to calm himself.

Chan slipped his t-shirt over his head and rushed out of the room when he heard Felix shout, and the moment his eyes landed on a crying Jeongin and then on his neck, he could swore on god, he was ready to murder anybody in this world.

"Who did this?" Chan's tone was firm and stable. It was scary.

"H-Hyunjin hyung..."

The moment that name slipped out of Jeongin's lips, Chan began to see red. He was ready to grab a knife and slit Hyunjin's throat right there and then, but Felix knew it was not what they were thinking.

"Chan, wait" So he made the older sit down and turned back towards the boy "Jeongin, tell me clearly. What happened?"

"I-I fucked up, h-hyung" Jeongin cried, hanging his head low "H-He confessed his f-feelings to m-me. He said he l-loves me..."

Felix's and Chan's both eyes winded at the information. They both looked at each other with shocked expressions. Hyunjin did what?

"...he is so p-pure. He c-cried for me, for my love a-and I... I k-kissed him without even s-saying anything. I-I asked him for love bites. I-I didn't thought it w-would get s-so i-intimate and s-sexual. H-He just now confessed t-to me and I-I...." Jeongin chocked on his cry and started sobbing again, but Felix and Chan were unable to utter anything. They were barely able to intake the things Jeongin just said.

"H-He will think so l-low of me. L-Like I just w-want to have sex with h-him-"

"Jeongin, he would never think that about yo-"

"No hyung, you don't u-understand. It's b-been only a month s-since I met him. H-How can I a-ask him such a thing-?"


"Hyung...." Felix suddenly quieted down at the younger's sudden change of voice.


"I... didn't had any l-lust in my mind... I-I just couldn't understand w-what was happening. I was feeling like... l-like I've been waiting for t-this feeling for s-so long... like I was c-craving for that touch, for h-his touch. It was so wierd. I was feeling l-lost, so lost in some good place, but I don't know where... I just k-know that I r-ruined e-everything..." Jeongin confessed and hung his head low "I l-love him, hyung. I-I really love h-him but I-"

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