7. Mine? Yours.

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"Stay here, hm" he said softly, fumbling with the keys and turning around towards the door.

Somehow Jeongin managed to drag Hyunjin to his apartment. The older was crying the whole way. He was sobbing, taking deep short breaths, and the tears were never ending. Jeongin was really worried of him passing out from all the crying, but luckily that didn't happen.

Hyunjin stood quietly behind Jeongin, head hanging low, sniffling silently as the younger opened the door.

Jeongin turned around and without any words, he reached for the man's wrist and pulled him in behind him, closing the door after.

The moment they stepped in and he closed the door, he turned back around to face the man and oh, how his heart broke.

Hyunjin looked so broken and empty, sniffling, head low, eyes closed tightly, fingers tightly fisted and shaking lightly.

Without any words, Jeongin stepped closer to the older and pulled him in a soft hug.

Hyunjin immediately limped himself on the younger. He didn't hug Jeongin back, just stood there, limp, and let the younger take him in his arms as more tears fell from his eyes.

Jeongin kept Hyunjin's head on his shoulder and patted his hair softly, whispering a quiet 'It's ok' in his ear.

"You wanna sleep, hyungie?" he asked silently, lightly rubbing his back and massaging is head.

"M-Mhm-" Hyunjin shook his head shakily, making Jeongin smile fondly and tighten his hold on him.

'You are so adorable. Like a little baby. A baby who needs to be taken care of...... I will take care of you, hyungie'.

"But hyung, you are tired. You should rest for a bi-"

"NO" Hyunjin panicked and clutched the younger's sweatshirt tightly in his fists and nuzzled into his neck, too afraid to let go.

Jeongin's eyes immediately glossed up when he realized why the older was reacting in this way.

He was scared. Scared that Jeongin too didn't believed him. Scared that he also thinks he is the wrong person. Scared that... he will also leave him.

So Jeongin smiled with teary eyes.

"Hyung" he called softly "Tell me where your bed is. Let's lay down for a bit, hm I'm really tired.... I will not leave you" Jeongin whispered the last part, tightening is grip on Hyunjin's back and lightly pushing his head further into his neck, and slowly felt him relaxing.

Hyunjin stopped shaking and tried his best to calm his cries down.

Jeongin smiled when he felt Hyunjin's hands relaxing on his sweatshirt, amd then Hyunjin completely removed his one hand and pointed at the room on their left, making the boy smile and nod.

Jeongin took Hyunjin's one hand in his before slowly releasing him from the hug.

At this point Jeongin has observed that physical contact is something which clams Hyunjin down. It assured him that he was not alone.

Slowly walking in, Jeongin made Hyunjin lay down on the bed, while he himself climbed and laid on the other side of the bed, turning towards the older who was already laying on his side and was looking at him with glossy eyes.

Hyunjin had his hands laying in the middle of the bed. So Jeongin reached in an attempt to hold his hands, never breaking the eye contact and the little smile.

But the moment their hands touched, he felt Hyunjin's hands flinch a little from the touch.

So the younger smiled and slowly placed his hand a centimeter away from the older's. He slowly opened his fingers and gently took the older's pinky finger in his own and watched him relax in his little hold.

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