39. Lixie Hyung

279 23 6

Korea, 20th March, 1964





Jeongin came running from his room to the kitchen, Hyunjin was shouting from "Yes hyungi- mmh!"

The moment he entered the empty kitchen, Hyunjin immediately pulled him into a soft kiss, cupping his cheeks. They both smiled closing their eyes and kissed each other slow and lovingly.

Hyunjin pulled away and pecked at younger's lips quickly. Again. And again. And one more time, making the smaller giggle in his hold.

"Did you pack all your medicines?" he asked, smiling fondly and looking into the boy's eyes with love.

"Hmm!" Jeongin nodded, smiling innocently like a proud kid, earning one more peck on his lips.

"And your Foxie?"

"Hm hm!" he again nodded and got one more peck.

"And our pictures?"

"Hm hm hm!" again nodded, smiling ear to ear, earning one more peck.

"I love you" Hyunjin smiled sweetly, squishing the younger's cheeks, making his lips to form a big pout and pecking at his pout yet again.

"I wove you~" Jeongin tried to say through the pout while his cheeks were still squished in between the older's hands.

"Oh god, you are so cute!" Hyunjin squeaked out and aggressively pecked the younger's pout and and prepping hia face with thousands of butterfly kisses right after.

"You both are literally gonna be together 24/7 now. Get your cute romantic asses out of here and stop making me feel single, please!" Beomgyu complained, while taking the last box containing some of Jeongin's books, out to the small truck.

They both chuckled at his taunt and kissed each other one more time before stepping out and locking the door behind them.

It has been a month, and Hyunjin and Jeongin have never been happier. They both spent so much time together, well, almost all the time except Jeongin school and Hyunjin's dance-academy.

They went on dates, fests, played games together, watched the stary sky, fell asleep hugging each other. And so, Hyunjin was done living separately. So finally, they were moving in together in Hyunjin's apartment.

And don't ask Jeongin how madly in love he was. He was feeling like his life was complete. He was happy. His heart was smiling. Again.

Hyunjin makes him feel like he is the only one in this world. He treats him like a prince. His prince.

"FINALLY!" Both the boys dropped themselves on the bed out of exhaustion.

It was almost 9 in the night, and finally the shifting and arranging was done. They arranged all of Jeongin's things, his clothes in the same wardrobe as Hyunjin's, a separate drawer for his medicines and thier pictures on the walls.

"Am I married to you now?" the boy asked in a cute curious voice, turning his head to the side towards his hyungie, looking in his eyes with innocence.

"Yes! Yes you are!" Hyunjin said and immediately tackled the boy into a tight hug and rolled onto the bed holding him. Jeongin laughed and curled up in the hug like a small baby. And he was. He was his hyungie's small baby.

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