46. Him

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' "This diary...?"

"Oh this?" the younger looked at the small diary with brown leather cover, laying on his study table. He smiled and picked it up "Dr. Yun gave me this. He said I used to write in this diary since the last year of my high school"

"Yeah... I know... I gave him this, he said he needed to study it to know about your, you know, thinking process and the shit that phycologists do?" Felix said, eyes still glued to the diary in smaller's hand.

"Oh? Really hyung? Can you tell me what I used to write in this" he looked at the diary and pouted "Dr. Yun tore all the old papers and everything I wrote in this. He said I need to avoid any direct contact from anything from my past cuz it can cause the same shock it did when you suddenly told me about our friendship and everything" he pouted and looked at the older with puppy eyes.

Felix rolled his eyes "First of all, no. If Dr. Yun said no, I won't tell you anything. And secondly, I never knew what you used to write in this, you never showed me. I asked you about it like thousand times but you never told me" he said, brain working on how to get his hands on this diary.

"Bye hyung" the younger waved, and was about to close the door when...

"Um, WAIT-... Uh... I need a glass of water, I uh... suddenly feel a little thirsty..." Felix suddenly said, trying to get back into the house.

"Uh ok?" Jeongin frowned a little at the sudden weird behavior, and moved aside, and Felix immediately run inside, making his title his head in confusion.

"He is so weird"

"HYUNJIN! OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" He banged on the younger's... older's... Fuck it... Hyunjin's door.

The door flew open and Hyunjin immediately held Felix's hand to stop him banging on his door "BRO! The neighbors! I'm new here!?"

"Ok fine sorry! But come here I have something for you!" Felix said and sprinted into the house, as Hyunjin stood there in confusion.

Felix went and sat on the kitchen stool and slammed the diary on the counter "You know what this is?" he asked, pointing at the small diary.

Hyunjin looked at the diary and frowned "Wait. This is Jeongin's diary? Right? He used to write something in this when we met"

"Yes. Read it"

Hyunjin's eyes winded "W-What. I can't read his personal diary. Are you mad? Wait... DID YOU STEAL THIS FROM HIM!?"

"Yes! Yes I did. Now read this!"




"You trust me, right?"

This question always gets Hyunjin. Because he really does. He really trusted Chan and Felix the most.

So he gulped and picked up the diary.

"Sorry baby" he mumbled, before finally opening it.


Hi Jeongin,

Well it's kinda weird but I'm writing this to myself. I suddenly forgot so much from my life, what if it happens again? I don't want to forget who is important to me, who care for me and who is a bad person, again.

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