14. Good Boy

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"Is he not even gonna sleep with me tonight...?" Hyunjin mumbled in a tiny voice, glancing at the door with sad eyes.

What happened? Why was Jeongin not talking to him? Did he really did something so wrong?

And sadness kept creeping into his heart every passing second. But before he could drown more into his thoughts...

"H-Hyung?" the door slowly opened, revealing a blushing Jeongin.

Hyunjin immediately sat up "Baby..." he called softy "You wanna sleep? Come here" he asked in a sweet voice, patting on the bed.

He just wanted to hug his little baby like every night and sleep while talking about random things. He just wanted Jeongin in his arms.

The younger slowly stepped in the room, looking down as his heartbeat kept raising "Hyung I..... I wanted to a-ask you something" he mumbled, fumbling with his fingers.

Hyunjin frowned a little and tilted his head in confusion when he was not being able to see Jeongin's face properly "What is it baby? What happene-" and then only his eyes fell on his cloths, and his cheeks immediately turned red.

Jeongin was wearing a white silk shirt which was clearly oversized for him, going till just above his mid-thighs. The top two buttons of which were open and slightly offed from his left shoulder, revealing his chest and shoulder a little. Under the shirt he wore Baby Blue shorts which were barley visible because of the long shirt.

Hyunjin blinking at him dumbly, eyes a little wide.

"W-What... are you w-wearing, baby?" he asked, voice completely lost as he eyed his body, freezing at his thighs.

Jeongin blushed when he saw how the older was looking at him, observing his body, up and down, and how he was now just staring at his thighs.

"You don't like it...?" Jeongin asked in a little voice, already knowing that he was asking a stupid question. Hyunjin's eyes were telling everything.

Hyunjin blinked rapidly, finally tiring his eyes from the boy's thighs and looking up at him "Huh..? N-No. No no. I-I mean... It's... y-you look..." he tried come up with words but his mind was a mess, specially when his eyes kept twitching down at his bare thighs unintentionally.

Jeongin bit his lip nervously, seeing Hyunjin's eyes stuck on him. He gulped and started taking little steps towards him.

He knew he can break Hyunjin easily, specially after seeing his reaction to just his clothes.

He slowly went and stood just 2 steps away from where Hyunjin was sitting.

"Hyung..." he called in a soft voice, almost coming out as an whisper.

"Y-Yeah... Yeah?" finally Hyunjin grabbed enough,strength and looked up from his thighs, but that didn't helped him either, when now his eyes were stuck at the younger's chest and shoulder.

Oh he was going crazy slowly.

Jeongin gulped and released a shaky sigh, looking down at his feet.

"C-Can... c-can you tell me what is a... b-blowjob?"

He blindly followed Felix's words. Felix said 'blowjob' was the best option for him to initiate things because well, he didn't knew much about sex. He knew how things work and what happens, but still he felt like he didn't knew much.

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