44. Just You And Me

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Korea, 15th December, 1964

"Are you sure I can come with you?" The younger asked to the man kneeling down in front of him, tying his shoelaces. Oh how Hyunjin takes care of him.

Hyunjin looked up, completing the younger's laces and chuckled at his nervousness "Why are you so nervous, sweetheart?"

"I mean-" the smaller was suddenly cut off when a loud car's horn was heard.

They both looked in their door's direction and saw Chan open the door with a big smile "Come on. Let's go?"

Hyunjin stood up and smiled back, gesturing the older to go ahead and wait for them. He turned his attention back to the boy sitting in front of him and place a gentle hand on his head "Come on baby, I'll bring your inhaler and medicines" he said, earning a nod from the younger.

Hyunjin smiled again and walked past the boy, making his way to their bedroom, while Jeongin stood up went out of the door to Felix and Chan and sat in the backseat of the car.

"Excited for the surprise!?" A very bubbly Felix beamed from the front seat making the oldest face-palm himself.

"Felix, baby..." Chan said in a done and disappointed tone, making the younger's eyes wide at the realization and mutter a "Fuck" under his breath.

"Surprise?" Jeongin asked in confusion "What surprise?"

"O-Oh... Haha, nothing. What surprise? Haha-" he tried to cover up but was interrupted when the car's other backdoor opened and Hyunjin sat in with an annoyed expression.

"Felix, sweetie, you know that I won't hesitated to kick you off a cliff, right?" he said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hah? Then be ready to be killed by Chan, sweetheart" Felix restored with an attitude.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah bitch, really-"

Both the boys were about to start a bitchy argument as always when...

"I can also kill anyone for you..." They heard the youngest mumble quietly, while looking out of the window.

Hyunjin and Felix both looked at the boy for some seconds before they chuckled and ruffled his hair together "Sure you can, little cupcake" Hyunjin cooed in a baby voice.

"Ok. Now shut up. We're gonna get late" Chan suddenly said in an annoyed tone and both the boy immediately sat straight and sealed their mouths making the youngest chuckle.

"There are still 30 minutes for the academy to open, my baby wants go eat anything till then?"

They all were at Hyunjin's dance academy. Hyunjin has planned a surprise for Jeongin which the younger had no idea about, until Felix opened his mouth, but anyways, it was easy to distract him from that. Specially when he is already nervous.

Hyunjin's academy was celebrating their 15th year anniversary, in which they have invited various people related to their academy and dance in genral, where every Coach was allowed to bring one person with them.

And if you ask about how Felix and Chan were there... Money. If you have enough money, and are the CEO of the 5th biggest corporation in Korea, who is going to stop you from attending a dance academy's celebration?

Yes. No one.

So right now, Felix and Chan went to confirm their passes, while Hyunjin and Jeongin waited for the academy to open.

Hyunjin wanted this world to know that he has fallen for the most precious little bean in this world, and today, he's going to do that.

"Ice-cream?" the younger asked, looking around at the people, still very nervous about going to the older's work place.

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