9. Sweetheart

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Spain, 27th April, 1961

The way both the boys have became so comfortable and emotionally dependent on each other, the amount of trust they've put into each other in just three days, was just so beautiful.

The trust to share their pains to each other. The trust to leave themselves completely vulnerable in the other's hands. The comfort they allowed for the other to give them. The delicate hands they accepted to wipe their tears.

Was it weird? To be able to trust someone completely unknown so fast? Maybe. But for them, this was all they've ever asked for, they've ever dreamed for.

For someone who will come with a little light in their lives.

Jeongin has always wished for someone, behind whom he can hide. Hide from the world, the people he is so scared of. Someone who will treat him like he is the 1st priority. That his happiness matters to them so much...

' "Here. Your Foxie"

"I forgot your goodnight kiss"

"Can I hold you?"

"My little" '

And Hyunjin?

Every night he wished to not wake up the next morning. Hyunjin never asked for someone to come in his life. All he wanted was to relax, to breath, to be at peace for once.

' "You look so pretty when you smile"

"Let's get you home hyungie"

"Cuz I believe you"

"Mine" '

He was at peace. He wanted to sleep and wanted to wake up to see that sweet face again the next morning. To listen to those giggles all the time. To see those little nervous eyes. To see that beautiful smile.

This was not a crush. He knows it.

A tiny soft snore left Jeongin's lips as he laid on the floor, and Hyunjin on the couch beside him, both fast asleep.

And how did they end up like this despite of having a double-bed in the apartment? Well...

It was almost 6:30 pm when Jeongin felt the grip around his waist started to get loosen up. So he lifted himself up to look at the older and saw him leaning his head back on the couch, eyes closed, breathing deeply and softly.

He was asleep. He slept while hugging Jeongin.

'How can he be so comfortable to sleep, when I'm sitting on his lap, strangling and hugging him?' Jeongin chuckled, shaking his head lightly, adoring the older with a soft smile.

Hyunjin was exhausted, exhausted from all the flashbacks, from all the crying. It was a long day for him.

"Hyungie..." Jeongin whispered softly, trying wake Hyunjin to so he could sleep properly on the bed.

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