4. With You

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Spain, 26th April, 1961

Oh how much Jeongin was regretting running away last night. Not because he should've said something or should've gave the other a good-night kiss too. No. He was regretting because he didn't asked the older if they can meet tomorrow or not? He didn't even knew where he lived. To say he was feeling low was an understatement.

It was 9:00 am. Jeongin walked out of his apartment locking the door with a sigh. He didn't knew where he's gonna go or what he's gonna do the whole day. He just wanted to meet the other, sit down somewhere the whole day and talk. But probably he's not even gonna ever meet him again now.

"I should've atleast asked him where he lives" he muttered in a sad tone. "I don't wanna go anywhere" he said to himself leaning to the wall looking at the street.

He felt like crying "Now why the fuck am I crying!?" he was getting irritated. The fact that he was with the older the whole day yesterday and now he didn't even knew whether he will ever see him again or not.

He stomped his feet in frustration "I'M SO STUPI-"

"I told you, you are not stupid, didn't I?"

Oh how his heart bursted with happiness when he heard that voice coming from behind him. And before he could turn around, he felt a hand being gently placed on top of head.

Hyunjin lightly ruffled his hair, spreading a warm comfort in his heart "Stop calling yourself stupid. You adorable baby" he said in a sweet soothing voice.

Jeongin turned around with little glossy eyes and ruffled hair, Hyunjin's hand still on his head. He looked at the older and sniffed.

"HYUNG!" He shouted with a happy voice, lips pressed in an annoyed pout as he almost jumped and immediately hugged the older so tightly.

A little too tightly.

"J-Jeongin you a-are killing m-me. I can't b-breath-" Hyunjin said chuckling a little.

'It's been so long since anybody felt so happy just to see me...'

The younger finally pulled away and stood straight and pouted even more "I thought....I didn't even knew where you live!" He complained, trying to look angry with those glossy eyes and little red nose.

Hyunjin smiled and wiped his little tears away. "Ok but why were you crying, hm?" he aksed, smiling at the younger's pout and angry expressions.

Jeongin puffed his cheeks and turned around slapping Hyunjin's hands off his face "I DON'T KNOW!" he yelled and walked away as Hyunjin smiled and trailed behind him.

"You like it here?"

"Hm. It's so peaceful"

Hyunjin suggested a place where they can sit under a tree, on the grass and spend some time because younger didn't wanted to go to anywhere crowded or any cafe.

This was the place where Hyunjin comes when he feels alone. When he feels that nobody wants him. He comes here and sits under the same tree. It gives him relief because there were a lot of people who came here alone. It helped him to move on, thinking that he's not the only one who's lonely. There are many people out there fighting everyday, so he can too.

They both sat beside each other, leaning to the tree, closing their eyes and enjoying the peaceful silence.

Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Jeongin's hand on the ground beside him, he gave it a thought, battling if he should or he shouldn't.

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