17. Miss You

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Korea, 14th May, 1961

"WHAT? You.... You slept?" Felix asked with wide eyes and a shocked face.

Jeongin giggled and nodded. He has never had such beautiful peaceful sleeps.

"But how? I've been trying to make you fall asleep since forever?" Felix pouted making Chan chuckle.

"I don't know, hyung..." Jeongin spoke as a soft smile appeared on his lips as remembered how Hyunjin hugged him, how placed little kisses on his head to make him fall asleep "...It's just... I don't know, I felt safe.. and loved. He..." he smiled and looked down remembering Hyunjin's soft smiles "He was just so... quite and peaceful" he mumbled.

"Jeongin..." Chan called in a firm voice, making the boy look up.

He blinked see a concern looks on both Chan's and Felix's face.

"You.... only like him? Right? Like a crush?" Chan asked in a nervous voice.

What if Jeongin has developed any stronger feelings for that man? That will not be a good thing.

Jeongin didn't answer, already knowing the reason behind that question. He just looked down and shook is head lightly. He knew how it seemed. And he knew it seemed wrong and cornering in Chan's and Felix's eyes, but he can't do anything about how his heart felt for that man who he met in some other country and spent only some days with.

'It's not my fault that I fell for him...'


Spain, 14th May, 1961


The boy looked down nervously "Y-Yes, I want quit the j-jo-" but before he could complete his words, he felt his collar being held and he was dragged out of the store.

"Fuck yourself then! Nobody needs you here anyways! Fucking bitch" the man shouted, throwing the boy on the ground and went in.

Hyunjin looked at the man going into the store and sighed. He collected himself and got up, dusting the dirt off his clothes. He wanted to cry. So bad. But he was not there to hold him.

He looked down at his palms, now bleeding and little having some starches "I miss you..." he mumbled under his breath as little tears filled his eyes.



Korea, 20th May, 1961

"I miss you, hyungie..." the younger mumbled to himself with glossy eyes, curled up on his bed, hugging his fox stuff toy.

"JEONGIN!" a loud yell from downstairs made him pull his sheets above his head, hiding underneath. Tightly squeezing his eyes shut, he waited for what to come.

"JEONGIN! I KNOW YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING. COME DOWN RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" the boy just laid there in fear, preparing himself for the pain. As he always does.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing an angry man with a belt in his hand. He seemed drunk again.

"You had fun whoring around with that little australian bitch of yours?" the man said with a dark chuckle.

The boy didn't answer. He just laid there, tears already rolling down on his side, as he tried to not make any sound.

He suddenly bit into the toy's ear, trying to suppress his scream when he felt a stinging pain in his back. A pain that he have felt for uncountable times now.

"M-Miss you, h-hyungie.." he whispered to himself with a quite sob, when he felt another painful hit of the leather.



Spain, 20th May, 1961

The boy clutched the pillow tightly, trying to fall sleep. But he kept staring at the empty side of the bed.

"I want my kisses" he mumbled with a little sniffle, curling up into a ball clutching the pillow even tighter as little drops of tears spilled from his eyes, wetting the pillow under his head.



Korea, 30th May, 1961

"There is no letter today also..." the younger mumbled with an angry pout and sad eyes.

"Are you kidding me? It has only been 17 days since you came back, it won't come that fast" Felix said pinching the bridge of his nose, making the younger pout even more.



Spain, 30th May, 1961

"Are there any letters for me by any chance, Mr. Ben?" the boy asked the man with a hopeful heart.

"Oh Hyunjin? No no, there are no letters by your name, sorry" the older man said and smiled at the boy, making him look down and pout.


Urii Eomma Eomma Gawd~

Urii Eomma Eomma Gawd~

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Love you babies <3


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