15. I Love You?

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Spain, 11th May, 1961

It was 10 in the morning and Jeongin was still asleep, and Hyunjin knew his baby was going to sleep till late today, so he got up early in the morning to clean up the house and make them breakfast before the younger wakes up, so he could feel clean, warm and comfy when he does. But to Hyunjin's surprise, Jeongin woke up whining and still very sensitive.

"Hyung...?" Jeongin opened his eyes slightly and looked around to find the older, but couldn't see him anywhere. "H-Hyung...?" his eyes glossed and a little sob left his lips.

Oh he was feeling so sensitive emotionally.

Hyunjin was preparing breakfast in the kitchen when he heard a little noise of somthing dropping on the floor from inside of the room. He rushed in and saw the galss of water on the floor. He raised his gaze and saw Jeongin full of tears, trying to get up from the bed.

"H-Hyung..." Jeongin teared up even more. He wanted to be held and cling onto something, but didn't found Hyunjin when he woke up.

"Baby" the older rushed up to the boy, slowly lifted him up and placed him on the bed properly "Baby I'm here, what happened, little?" he asked in a soft voice.

The moment Hyunjin held him, Jeongin held his t-shirt in his fists and nuzzled into his chest, sniffing lightly.

"Oh my baby" Hyunjin smiled, understanding the behaviour and laid down, hugging the boy close.

"I'm here baby, hm" he patted his head softly, placing soft kisses on the top of his head and felt Jeongin calm down slowly.

It was warm and cozy. He felt safe and protected in those arms. Everything felt good. Everything was calm. His brain, his heart, everything was at ease.

Well, except one thing...

"Hyungie.... 'm hungry" Jeongin mumbled into the older's chest and sniffled cutely.

And Hyunjin's heart fell all over again. He kissed the smaller's cheek softly and smiled.

Today was the last day Hyunjin gets to hold Jeongin. The last day he gets to hug him. The last day he can whine for kisses. The last day of the endless talks. The last day of his leg getting numb because of Jeongin sitting on it and refusing to get up. The last day before he have to hug the pillow again to fall asleep.

So they both decided to stay at home the whole day and just stay as close as they can.

Hyunjin thought he was the one who was taking it too hard that now they don't know when, or whether they're even going to see each other again or not, but actually it was Jeongin who was taking it really hard.

After the breakfast, when it hit him that this is the last day he was here, he started crying. Hyunjin did everything that he could but couldn't get the younger to calm down.

Jeongin refused to let Hyunjin go from his sight for even a split second. He has grown protective for the older, very protective, and he just couldn't get over the thought that Hyunjin was again going stop eating properly, he again had to clutch the pillow to sleep, he again will be sad but will not cry. Jeongin was not ready to leave the older on his own.

"I will miss you so much" Jeongin mumbled hugging the old lady.

"Me too, you little brat" The lady said patting his hair, making the younger giggle.

It was 8:00 pm and Jeongin decided to go and say a goodbye to Aunt Grace before going to sleep. She was his friend too.

Both the boys waved and smiled to her and started walking out of the store when...

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