28. Jeongin

281 22 9

Korea, 9th January, 1964

11:00 am

"Hey, I'm sorry for that day"

"It's ok..."

Hyunjin and Chan were sitting outside of a clinic, waiting for Felix, who went in to have a talk with the doctor before letting him talk to Hyunjin.

"You don't want to say anything about that day?"


Hyunjin was quiet. Painfully quiet. He was scared. Why would Chan and Felix bring him to a doctor's clinic?

"Jeongin told us that you don't speak too much but.... you are a little too quite..." Chan still had this lingering guilt in his heart about that day and how he behaved with Hyunjin, and he was trying is best to make it up.

"Are you scared?"

"I am..."

Chan knew that there was no use of talking to Hyunjin right now, and also, he was scared too. For Hyunjin. How he was going to react to all the things? Chan was scared to handle Hyunjin after all this. He knew Hyunjin is going react worst than Felix did back then.

He was busy in his thoughts when...

"Yes. Yes, he is fine. And I can say, kinda improving too" he heard Felix coming out of the room.

Both of them immediately stood up seeing Felix and Dr. Yun coming out of the room.

Dr. Yun smiled at the two boys and looked at Hyunjin and how scared and stressed he looked.

"Hyunjin?" he asked, smiling sweetly at the boy.

"Yes, he is. And Hyunjin, this is Dr. Yun Jeongin's personal doctor" Felix informed and gestured Hyunjin to greet him.

"Uh, h-hi, I'm Hyunjin Hwang" Hyunjin greeted, bowing down to the man, shaking his hand formally.

Dr. Yun smiled "Ok, let's just have the talk you came here for, yeah? Come in" he said before entering the room again.

Hyunjin looked at Felix with scared eyes as the younger gave him a weak smile and gestured him to go in.

"A-Are you guys not gonna come in with me?"

Felix shook his head lightly with a pained smile "Sorry but, I have no strength to hear all that all over again"

And this scared Hyunjin a lot more than he already was.

"Hyunjin?" Dr. Yun called from the room and Hyunjin tightly closed his eyes, took a deap breath and walked in without thinking of anything.

Chan and Felix looked at each other with concern for the boy as Felix smiled and nodded, assuring the older that everything will be fine.

"I need to go now. You will handle him alone, right?"

"Don't worry, Lix, I will try my best. Be safe and don't overwork yourself, hm" Chan said softly before kissing the boy on his forehead.

Felix nodded as he headed towards hia car, to go to his office, and Chan sat down, looked at the closed door on his side and sighed.

"Please stay strong, Hyunjin" he mumble to himself and closed his eyes, waiting for what to come.

It had been 2 hours, since Chan was waiting outside for the younger to come out. And he finally did.

Chan immediately stood up seeing Hyunjin come out of the room, but...

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