42. What Eyes?

291 22 10

Spain, 31st March, 1964

10:00 am



"Jeongin come on, we're gonna get late"

"No! You go to Korea alone. I'm not coming! I'm gonna stay here with Mom and Dad!"

"Jeongin we need to go and meet Aunt Grace too. Come on now"

"Nooo~" The younger whined loudly, hugging his Mom's waist, while the lady was sitting on the couch, knitting something, with a whiny boy lying on her lap.

"I wanna stay with Mom!" he pouted and nuzzled more into her lap.

Mrs. Hwang smiled, and softly placed a hand on the boy's hair, patting lovingly before going back to knitting.

"You don't wanna stay with me?" suddenly Mr. Hwang came out from the bathroom and immediately tackled the boy lying on the couch and dropped himself on him, putting his head on his back.

"Dad... You are h-heavy... H-Hyung help me..." Jeongin pealed looking at Hyunjin, getting crushed under his dad.

Hyunjin on the other hand, just stood there with heart eyes, looking at the three. They were looking like a complete family. Jeongin now had a family.

So Hyunjin immediately took his camera out and quickly clicked a picture of the moment.

Thank god Hyunjin wrote that letter to his parents about Jeongin's condition and all the situations and things going on when he shifted to Korea, or else it would've been a mess if they were clueless or were not prepared about Jeongin's health conditions.

Hyunjin smiled watching the scene in front of him. His mom was on the corner of the couch, Jeongin was lying on the couch, burring his head into her lap, and his dad lying on top of Jeongin, tackling him. All three were giggling and laughing. It was so beautiful to watch. It was so soothing to hear Jeongin call them as Mom and Dad. It was just... complete.

"Oh I can surely help you" Hyunjin said and instead of pulling his father off of the younger, he immediately jumped on top of him, tackling him.


"Hey, stop troubling my baby" the lady said and pushed both, her husband and her son off of the boy, making them to fall and roll on the ground.

All of them laughed so loud, Mrs. Hwang dropped her needles and the, almost completed, muffler.

Jeongin holding his stomach, Hyunjin holding his head which just now have hit the floor, and Mr. Hwang rubbing his butt. All of them laughing at each other. Oh it was so beautiful.

Today was their last day in Spain. Since the day Hyunjin bought Jeongin home, the younger refused to go out and travel Spain or see any places or anything, he just wanted to be at home with his Mom and Dad. So Hyunjin went to their rented room, bought some of their clothes, leaving the rest of the luggage there.

In just 5 days, Jeongin grew so close to his Mom and Dad. It was just so adorable. It was like a routine for his Mom to knit the muffler, every morning, on the living room sofa, and Jeongin to come out of his room after just waking up, looking like a mess, still half asleep and taking a short morning nap on her lap.

They all would play chess every evening in teams. Jeongin and Mr. Hwang Vs Hyunjin and Mrs. Hwang. Let's not mention that the Mom and son duo won every game over Dad and son-in-law duo. That's what his Dad loves to call Jeongin, and oh how badly it made him blush.

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