3. Good Night

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Spain, 25th April, 1961

"I acted so weird... " Hyunjin mumbled to himself, sitting on a bench under the tree. He looked at the small lake in front of him, blinking mindlessly at the little ducks swimming, and sighed.

There was a light gust of soft wind, making several leafs from the trees around to glide everywhere, giving the environment a peaceful sweet feeling.

A little leaf slowly landed on his lap, making him look down. He picked up the leaf, looking at it with a lost mind "He's not gonna come... I'm so stupid..." he mumbled in a sad voice.

' "Uh... W-What are you... um.. doing t-tomorrow?" Hyunjin asked the younger, clearly nervous and awkward. He doesn't wanted to sound like a creep.

"Hm?" the younger turned towards the older, taking his eyes off of the beautiful stary sky.

Chatters of people from the fest started to quiet down slowly as it was getting late "I don't know..." he replied and turned back, adoring the sky again and smiled "I came here a week ago and haven't visited much. I don't know where to go" he admitted "I just saw this fest so I came in, otherwise I'm usually roaming on the streets... Maybe coming on the solo trip was a bad idea" he chuckled, clearly a little disheartened.

Hyunjin stayed silent for some seconds, just observing the younger's expressions, seeing them slowly change completely. The smile was gone, the shine in those sparkly eyes was getting dull, that excitement in his whole body started leaving him.

"But it's ok..." he mumbled in a tiny voice, eyes getting unfocused seeing the stars.

Hyunjin frowned. Why does he suddenly looks... sad? Is he also hiding some pain in him? What happened to those bubbly smiles all of a sudden? Where does that spark of those eyes went? He didn't knew that. But there was one thing that he knew. And that thing was a little weird to him as well.

The thing that... He didn't liked seeing that smile fade away. He didn't liked seeing those eyes turning grey. He didn't liked the thought that, this boy who has been jumping around with a happy chaotic smile the whole time, is... empty inside.

He didn't knew why those feelings came all of a sudden, for a complete stranger. He didn't knew why, this boy doesn't feel like a stranger anymore. He didn't knew why, but he wanted to place a hand on the boy's head and ask him what's wrong. But oh well... he can't step in his boundaries. He can't cross his limits.

So instead...

"The park I usually go to, is nice to spend time at..." he said out of nowhere, pulling the younger out of his thoughts.

Jeongin blinked, registering the older's words, looking at him dumbly "Huh?" he asked.

And then only Hyunjin realised.

He was sounding like some serial killer who was manipulating his next prey.

"Oh! I-I mean... I-I was just s-suggesting a p-place" he immediately defended himself, stuttering, feeling so stupid to say it like that "I-I'm not asking y-you to come w-with me. I-I was jus-"

"Will you take me there...?"

Hyunjin immediately quieted down when the younger spoke, looking at him with such innocence and sincerity.

He kept looking at the boy, not saying anything, and it seemed like the younger too was not waiting for any words.

"Yeah...." '

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