40. That Letter

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Korea, 25th March, 1964

"I hate him" the younger complained, pouting, making his boyfriend chuckle.

"No you don't"

"Yes I do! I miss Innie and that bitch took him with him!" Felix said, stomping his foot on the ground, trying to look angry.

"They will be back in 7 days, Lix" Chan laughed and softly ruffled the younger's hair, smiling and adoring him.

Spain, 25th March, 1964

Oh Jeongin was so happy. So bubbly, so chirpy, so excited. His inner child was jumping with happiness and excitement in him.

When once in his History class, their teacher showed them pictures of Spain, he was mesmerised. He wanted to visit that place atleast once, with or without anyone. But after his accident, he lost all the hopes for that to happen, because there was no way he was going to use Felix's money, and no way he could earn that much to afford a foreign trip by working at a kindergarten.

He used to think about his dream every night, before his nightmares would take over every inch of his brain and he would end up curling up into his pillow, being scared the whole nights, for 2 years.

But then.... Hyunjin happened.

He still couldn't sleep the whole nights, but not because of nightmares, no. They were long gone since the day Hyunjin called him pretty.

He couldn't fall asleep because all he do was giggle to himself, ruffle his own hair just the way Hyunjin did, check the clock again and again just to see how many hours are left for him to go back to the park again, would close his eyes and imagine how Hyunjin looks at him, how he smiles, how he adores him, how beautiful his eyes were, how safe he made him feel.

It was never a crush. He was in love. From the very beginning.

"Hyung LOOK!" The boy giggled pointing at the fountains in the middle of the street.

Just like the first day ever, just like 3 years back, they were on a double decker bus on the streets of Spain. The only difference being, they were not sitting across different corner, they were by each other, silently touching each other's hands without anyone noticing.

Jeongin was looking around with little stars in his eyes, getting happy and amazed by the smallest things. It was adorable.

But if you ask Hyunjin, all he could see was a 19 years old boy with a camera around his neck, a Cotton candy in his hand, looking at the buildings, clicking pictures of everything possible. A boy who came to him when no one did. The boy who held him when everybody refused to even look at him.

A boy he saw 3 years ago on an exactly same bus and the first thought that came in his mind was 'He is so pretty', before covering his face with his hood again, ignoring the world, shutting himself down in his own house of sadness, until that boy bursted into the door of that house and dragged him out, telling him that even if ' "I can't make everybody around me happy, I can atleast make you happy".'

"HYUNG!" he was pulled out of his thoughts when the younger called him again "It's our stop, right!?"

Hyunjin looked around, registering the location "Huh... Yes! Yes yes. It's our stop. Come on" he said and stood up, dragging the younger and their luggage down, and got off the bus.

"Where are we going first?" Jeongin asked with full of excitement, clutching at the older's arm like an excited school kid.

Hyunjin chuckled, adoring him, and ruffled his hair "Somewhere to stay and keep our luggage at"

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