12. Boyfriend

319 22 7

Spain, 10the May, 1961


Oh how close they both got after that kiss.

Hyunjin still cusses at himself for not initiating the kiss earlier than this, but in the end, he was happy.

Happy? Happy was a very small word. He was flying on the 9th cloud. This was the first time he has ever liked someone this much...

Liked? Loved? Well.

And then he had his first kiss with that same person.

Oh he was happy. He was so happy.

It felt like, Jeongin was everything he has ever needed in his life. Like he was just waiting for this to happen. Just was living for him to come in his life.

It was really rare for Hyunjin to wake up before Jeongin. Normally he would wake by the noises of Jeongin making breakfast for them or by a pillow being thrown on his face when the breakfast was ready. But he was glad he woke up early today, because oh Jeongin looked so delicate. Like a little snow flake.

His hair all messy. His little mumbles in sleep. The way he nuzzled his face into his pillow. The way Hyunjin's white t-shirt is so oversized for him.

"Wake up fast" he pouted and mumbled "I was kisses..."

Hyunjin was not having enough of the kisses. He wants a kiss every 5 minutes. And we are not talking about the little pecks here.

The kisses where he would grab the younger, makes him sit on his lap and kiss him slow and soft. Or the kisses where Jeongin would be lying down on the couch and he would come and hover over him, kissing his nose, whining for kisses.

And oh don't ask him what his heart goes through when Jeongin let out sweet lazy giggles in the kisses.

He laid there, waiting for the younger to wake up, smiling and adoring him with all his love.

After a little while, Jeongin turned around, back facing the boy, making him pout.

"Jeongin~!" he called in a whine and pouted more when Jeongin didn't turned back around or even respond to him.

Upon getting no response, he scooted a little closer to him and tried to turn him back by his shoulder "Jeongin!" he whined again.

Jeongin lazily turned back, still very sleepy, and stretched his hands and legs and arched his back like a little cat.

He opened his eyes slowly and the first thing he saw was a pouty Hyunjin in front of him.

He smiled and stretched a little more. "Good morning Hyungie~" he smiled brightly and closed his eyes again, nuzzling his face into the pillow, inhaling the sweet fragrance of morning.

But Hyunjin frowned "Jeongin! Kisses!" he whined and tried to shake the younger to wake him up.

Jeongin just nuzzled into the pillow even more without answering and oh Hyunjin was just not having it. So he scooted a little more closer "I want kisses" he pouted again, just an inch away from his face.

"And I wanna sleep" Jeongin replied before leaving a quick little peck on his lips and smiling.

And the next thing Jeongin knew, Hyunjin was on top of him, pinning his hands to the sides of his face, looking in between his eyes and lips.

"I. Want. Kisses." he demanded this time.

The younger gulped at the change in tone. It was deeper than usual. And oh how much he loved it.

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