47. Promise? Promise.

337 21 35

And he never did.

After that day, Hyunjin never went to Jeongin. Not even once.



"Anna! Baby, Come down, we're gonna get late!" the lady with a sweet and calm voice, called her 7 years old little daughter.


"Dad is waiting in the car. Come down fast!"


The lady smiled and made her way out of the house, to her husband. She opened the car's front door and sat in.

"Hey" She called in a soft voice, and placed a grounding hand on top of his head, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Hey" he smiled back weakly and leaned into her touch.

"Ok! I'm ready!" the little girl suddenly jumped in the car, clutching a cute, a little old, Fox stuff toy, and giggled as both of her parents smiled at her.

Today they both decided to take their daughter to meet someone special. Someone very very special to them.

And well, technically her Mom decided, because her Dad was not ready to go. He's a little weak when it comes to emotions.

"Mom, Dad, why are we here? You said we were going to meet someone?" the little girl asked innocently, a little scared when her dad stopped the car outside a graveyard.

Her mom smiled and crouched down to her daughter "Because, some years ago, god called that person to him, and now that person lives with him"

The little girl took her time to understand and spoke "That means... he was a good person!? He became an ANGEL!?" she asked with innocence and pure happiness, hugging her stuff toy tightly.

"Yes baby" her das smiled "He became an angel" he spoke with a little glossy eyes, as his wife smiled softly and patted his head.

"UNCLE LIXIEE! UNCLE CHANNIE!" The little girl suddenly shouted when she saw the two entering the graveyard, and ran to her favorite uncles and immediately threw herself on them.

"Hey my little sweetie" Chan said in a sweet baby voice, patting her hair lovingly.

Felix smiled at the two, before looking at her parents and gave them a pained smile.

"Mom! Where is that perso-" the little girl asked in excitement, but was cut off when an old man suddenly called them.

"Um, excuse me?"

All of them turned around with a questioning look on their faces. "Yes?" Felix asked.

"Are you all his family?" the man asked, pointing at the grave stone on their side.

"Yes. Yes we are" Felix replied and saw the man fish something into his side bag.

The man took out two envelopes and turned towards the little girl's mother "Are you..." he looked down and re-checked the name on the first envelop...

"Yang Kimiko?"

Wait. So, what was the date again?

Korea, 1st May, 1999

"Yes. I am?" the lady spoke.

The man quietly handed one envelope to her "Your dad asked me to give this to you" he informed, and turned towards Felix and Chan.

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