8. A Little Game

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Everything was so silent. Really silent.

Both the boys were siting on the couch and eating the pancakes Jeongin made for them. It was almost 6:00 pm and the air has became really thick after what Jeongin did.

Jeongin pouted as he shoved his mouth pancakes and kept running his brain to think and come up with something to talk about, but he never got the chance when Hyunjin spoke.

"So..." suddenly his eyes widened in happiness as he jumped and turned towards the older in excitement, that finally he spoke. But oh what he spoke.

"You like someone?" Hyunjin asked firmly, not even facing the younger.

Jeongin almost chocked on his coffee and looked at Hyunjin with wide eyes "Huh?" was all he processed.

"You like anyone?" he asked again, munching on the last bite of his pancake.

"I-I......yeah..." Jeongin was thanking every god that Hyunjin was not looking at him, because the blush his cheek had was telling everything.

"Oh..." And Hyunjin again went silent, and oh boy the air thickened immediately.

Jeongin cursed himself for the 100th time for kissing Hyunjin's nose out of nowhere and then utter a little 'Mine'. What the fuck does he meant by 'Mine'? He wanted to go and drown somewhere.

"So..." Hyunjin spoke again and Jeongin sighed in relief. He just wanted to have a conversation with the older and laugh with him.


"So um..." Hyunjin started and sipped his coffee "...When did you realised that you like men?" Hyunjin asked calmly, taking another sip from his coffee while munching on his pancakes.

But oh...

This time, Jeongin actually choked.

Hitting his chest with his fist, he coughed and let out a "wha- WHAT!?"

"When did you realised you like men?" Hyunjin asked again, unfazed by younger's loud reaction.

"I..... I-I dont-" Oh he was so scared. Hyunjin will throw him out, he will call him disgusting names. He will...

"You don't?" Hyunjin spoke again, cutting his running thoughts.

"N-No" he said, nervously looking down.

Hyunjin finished his coffee and finally turned towards the younger making him even more nervous. Jeongin looked into his eyes for a split second and instantly got nervous under his gaze and looked down.

"So you like girls?"


Hyunjin chucked softly at how cute the boy looked, all nervous and shy. He looked so cute with that evident blush on his cheeks and ears.

Hyunjin already knew the boy was scared of getting caught. So he smiled.

"Oh? So can you prove that?" Hyunjin smirked at the idea which instantly popped up in his mind.

"Prove? H-How?" To say that Jeongin was scared, was an understatement.

"Just tell me, can you? I mean, if you are not lying, there is no need to be nervous Innie~" Jeongin shivered a little at the deep tone of voice and the sudden nickname.

"O-Ok, hyung"

Hyunjin clapped his hands together in excitement "Ok so! We will play a little game"

Jeongin frowned, finally looking up to meet the older's eyes, tilting his head in confusion "Game?"

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