41. My Little Baby Too

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"Rollercoaster!? No no no. I'm not going on a rollercoaster. NO!"

"Yes yes YES!"

"No hyung. I'm not going on that scary shit. No!"

The older stood still in front of the boy with a pout and puppy eyes.

"No. Don't give me that look. I'm not going on tha-"

"Ok fine" he said in a small voice, making the younger confused.


"Yeah but..." he made grabby hands asking for a hug, still pouting "... Atleast give me a hug then?"

"Aw, ok hyung" the younger smile and stepped closer to the man and hugged him tightly.

Jeongin was loving the warm feeling of the hug but frowned when he felt the older's hands tighten around him.

Hyunjin tighten his grip and suddenly lifted the younger in his arms and...

"TO THE ROLLERCOASTER WE GO!" he shouted and immediately started running towards the roller-coaster ticket stall, carrying the boy.




Everything was so ok now. All of a sudden. Hyunjin's heart was at ease, he was relaxed. Suddenly there were no regrets, no guilts, nothing. Just pure happiness, pure love.

He really needed to read that letter after all.

After crying for god knows how long, he realised a lots of things, and the most important thing was.... That he needs to let go.

And so he did.

He left all the memories of Jeongin and him, with those letters. All the memories of them meeting at that fest, all the memories of them showing their scars to each other, all the memories of all the sleepless nights they spent together, all the memories of all the tears they shed while separating and waiting for each other.

The Jeongin who he saw on that bus for the first time and the Hyunjin who told that boy to 'Fuck off', were left behind with those letters.

It was not the bus on the roads of Spain where he saw a smiley and bubbly boy named Jeongin for the first time, it was the bench in a park in Korea where he saw a quite and empty boy named Jeongin and fell for him.

It was not the giant-wheel where he had his first kiss, it was the balcony of his house where that boy kissed him to tell him that he loves him.

And now, Hyunjin felt complete. He was not complaining anymore. Why would he? He felt lucky. The most lucky person. How lucky he can be for Jeongin to fall for him all over again.

Now he understood why Yeonjun always lectured him to let things go. Now he understood why sometimes in life, letting things go is so important.

A beautiful boy who came to Spain and offered him a Cotton Candy with the most beautiful smile.... He will always treasure it as the most beautiful Dream he ever saw.

"You are ready to meet Mom and Dad?" Hyunjin asked, watching the younger's eyes winding in nervousness.

"We are going to your parent's house?"

"Mhm" The boy nodded, smiling ear to ear. He got up from the bench and stood in front of the nervous boy and ruffled his hair making him look up "Don't worry, they will love you"

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