6. Really Miss Them

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Trigger Warning

• Mention of Rape
• Abuse (slight)


Spain, September, 1957

Hyunjin stopped going to college, it has been 2 weeks now. But that doesn't mean he was at peace.

Almost every night, students from his college would come and throw stones at his window.

' "MOM! Mom are you ok!?" The family was peacefully having dinner when a big stone was thrown at the window near their dinner table. The stone broke the glass and hit his mom's arm.

"I'm ok baby" she smiled like nothing happened "Don't worry. Finish your dinner, come on" she assured in a polite voice and smiled at Hyunjin.'

Smile? Hyunjin has lost the meaning of the word. Especially when every morning his front door was flooded with letters containing disgusting things, telling him to die, calling him a rapist, rape threats to him as well as his sister, death threats.

Yes. Hyunjin did smiled once in these 2 weeks. The day when he got frustrated and finally decided to each and every letter, and recognised two handwritings in particular.

That day he smiled. Totally broken.

"Hyunjin, baby can you help Yeonie in her packing? I'm going to departmental store to get some stuff"

"Mom I'll go out, you stay at home and help her. It's... It's not safe out there.."

His mom smiled at him "Go and help your sister, spend some time with her. You are not gonna meet her anytime soon once she goes" She smiled and waved at him as he sighed.

Hyunjin's sister was shifting to Korea to stay with their Aunt. She is going to continue her studies there.


' "L-Leave me p-please-" She tried to push the two boys in front of her but she was held back by the two behind her.

"But your brother didn't left Eva when he raped her hm?"

"He didn't r-raped he- AGH-" The guy behind her grabbed her by her hair and tilted her head to the side.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch! Your brother will know the pain I'm going through when I will RAPE YOU! HE RAPED THE GIRL I LOVED! Now you're gonna pay for it bitc-"

"SOOYEON! SOOYEON! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" He shouted as he ran towards his little sister.

Hyunjin came to pick up her sister from the college, when a girl from his class came laughing to him and told him how she personally dragged Sooyeon to the football field at the back of the college, to those boys.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Hyunjin's heart broke when he saw her sister's uniform a little torn apart from her sleeve, some buttons of her shirt open and her hair ruined.

He immediately pushed the two boys in front of her and snatched her from them "Go home. Now!" he said, giving her the car keys, before turning to the boys again.

The boys he used to play with. The boys Sooyeon used to joke around with. The boys who used to call her their own little sister. The boys who tried to molest her.

"Why are you guys doing this...?" he asked, voice carrying disbelief "What did she ever do to you...?" Hyunjin was so lost and broken.

"What did Eva ever did to yo-"

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