5. We're Sorry

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[4 years back... ]

Spain, September, 1957

"Why is everyone staring at me...." the boy mumbled to himself, watching everyone in the school, boys, girls, some teachers, looking at him and talking among themselves.

He ignored all this for now, because right now his first concern was to find Changbin and tell him about what happened yesterday.

He walked towards the men's washroom to find him but to his surprise, the men's room was way too full today.

Boys were all around the main door, mumbling and talking, having worried and serious expressions.

"Are the whole school's boys are in here? What's happening?" he asked to himself, somehow making his way in, pushing some boys aside.

The moment he passed a boy and that boys turned towards him. His eyes winded when he saw Hyunjin standing there with a big question mark on his face.

The boy immediately lifted his hand up and shouted "HEY!! HE'S HERE!"

Hyunjin and everyone snapped there heads towers the boy who shouted.

"Who? Who's here-" before Hyunjin could register anything, a splash of water suddenly hit his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE DOIN... " he paused when he suddenly picked a wierd smell. "Wait..." he touched his face and smelled his fingers "Is... this urine..?"

Someone threw urine on his face? What?

"WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!?" He yelled on top of his lungs, looking around with furious eyes.

And a boy came out of the crowd with a plastic cup in his hand.

"Me" he announced "What are you gonna do about it dickhead" the boy smirked and threw the cup in Hyunjin's direction.

Hyunjin frowned in confusion. Nicole is his friend. Why would he do anything like this?

"What the fuck Nicole. This is not funny!" Hyunjin said dodging the cup.

"And who told you we are having fun here?" some other boy said from the crowd. Then only Hyunjin saw the situation...

Everybody was encircling around him giving him angry and disgusted looks.

"W-What's going on..?" he asked, getting nervous.

Something was definitely very wrong. What's going on here? He had no idea.

"I'll tell you what's going on"

A new voice. A familiar one.

"Seungmin!" Hyunjin felt relieved a bit seeing Seungmin stepping ahead from behind of Nicole.

"Seungmin what is go-" Hyunjin was cut off when a slap sound echoed in the whole room.

Hyunjin's mind froze. His eyes winded, when his face suddenly snapped to his side. His hand flew on his cheek, eyes winded, looking at nothing in particular.

"HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THIS ASSHOLE!? I THOUGHT YOU SAW HER AS YOUR OWN SISTER!" Seungmin grabbed his collar and shouted at his face.

Hyunjin was numb. His brain was not processing. Seungmin slapped him. Seungmin?

"W-What.... wh-who's s-sister..?"

No one answered him. Instead he got another punch across his face, causing him to fall on the ground and his lip to cut and bleed immediately "I COULDN'T BELIEVE I CALLED MYSLEF YOUR BESTFRIEND MY WHOLE LIFE!... FUCKING RAPIST!"

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