35. Again

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Korea, 15th February, 1964

' "And then he KISSED ON MY NOSE!?" '

Felix stood outside Dr. Yun's clinic, waiting for Jeongin, silently remembering all the things Hyunjin told him, smiling to himself.

He was so happy for him, for Jeongin, for these situations, for everything that was happening. Specially for that one thing...

' "He called me 'Hyungie'! Out of nowhere! I don't think he himself even noticed that, hyung, but he did. He called me Hyungie, again!" '

Felix was so happy for Hyunjin, and if he was being honest, a little envy too, because...

' "Lixie hyung, did you complete your homework?"

"Lixie hyung, mom hit me again, can I sleep at your house today?"

"Oh~ Lixie hyung got a boyfriend~"

"Lixie hyung! Lixie hyung! LOOK!" '

"Felix hyung?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and quickly blinked away the little tears that formed in his eyes at the memories. He smiled at the younger and stood up.

"How was it?"

"Good. Dr. Yun said he wanna talk to you about the medicines. I think he's gonna change the doses. I payed him the fees, tell me the cost of new medicines, ok? I'll wait in the car" Jeongin said smiling, and walked away to the car, parked outside.

Felix smiled at him and went into the clinic. He smiled and bowed to Dr. Yun. Quietly took his wallet out, taking out the cash and handing it to him.

For those who are confused to what happened here. Why did Felix paid Dr. Yun's fees again when Jeongin said he already paid it?


When Jeongin insisted on living alone and paying his rent and medical bills by himself, Felix totally opposed it, but Chan understood that Jeongin was feeling like a burden. So he made Felix sit down and made him understand. But they both knew that it was impossible for Jeongin to pay Dr. Yun's bills. He was a specialist whom Felix personally approached to come to Soul every week. He was hell expensive.

So he came up with a good idea. He talked to Dr. Yun and told him to charge Jeongin a decent amount which he will be able to pay in his salary so he won't feel like a burden and the actual fees will be paid by Felix and Chan afterwards without Jeongin knowing. And it has been like this since.

"You wanted to talk to me?" Felix said, settling down on the chair in front of the Doctor.

"Yeah. I wanted to see your smile, so..."

"Huh?" Felix said, making a weirded out face at Dr. Yun's words, making the man laugh.

"No no. I mean, Jeongin, emotional is a lot better now. He is genuinely happy. He is finally talking openly about what he likes and what he doesn't. He is not pretending too much now"

"Really!?" And Felix smiled brightly.

"See. The smile I was talking about" Dr. Yun smiled making the younger chuckle.

"Hm, really. He was talking about the flower Hyunjin gave him. About how bad the cookies were that he made for him" This made Felix chuckle so loud because the way Hyunjin told him, how Jeongin was eating the cookies one after the other and that he thinks he must have really liked them, but little did Hyunjin knew.

"He talked about how much Chan and you love each other. About how much he loves having dinner with you guys, playing board games with you and watching Chan produce songs in his studio. I have never seen him talk about you two with so much happiness and enthusiasm"

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