21. Empty Letters

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Spain, January, 1962


To Hyungie,

HEY! I didn't meant that literally. You can't just send me an empty letter >:(

By the way, I got selected in one of the schools.

And I will aslo not tell you any details

-Your ANGRY little baby
Only and Always yours




Korea, January, 1962


To my little baby ♡,

Happy New Year, my little <3

-Your HyungieOnly and Always yours

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-Your Hyungie
Only and Always yours


"Empty letter? Again?" Felix questioned, eyeing the flower in the letter.

"I don't know what happened..." the younger mumbled with a sad pout, heart aching as he could feel his throat tighten, controlling his tears.

Why was Hyunjin not writing him anything? It has been 4 months. He have nothing to tell him? Nothing to talk about? Not even a little 'I miss you'?

What about the auditions? Did he got selected? Or rejected? Was he eating? Was he out of money? Or does he just got fed up with Jeongin? No no, that can't be. Right?

"A-Am I being a b-burden on him?" Felix heard the younger mumble and sniffle quietly.

"Hey!" Felix immediately placed the letter aside on the bed and and wrapped an arm around thr boy, pulling his face in his chest "Don't you dare say or even think that again. He might be busy in all his auditioning and stuff, Innie"

"Hmm" the younger softly nodded, sniffing and rubbing is one eye with his fist.

'Must be busy...'


I swear this to the god, I have never babied any idol more than I have babied Jeongin!

I swear this to the god, I have never babied any idol more than I have babied Jeongin!

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Love you babies <3


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