25. Who?

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Spain, 5th January, 1964

"You packed everything?"


"Talked to the boss?"

"Yep! He gave me 15 days off!"

"15 days? You really are his favorite one, huh?"

"I think I am" The boy said flicking his hair.

It has been almost a month preparing everything and now Hyunjin was finally ready to go to Korea.

He had his flight today, so before coming to the airport, he went to his parent's house to bid them a bye and collected their messages and gifts for Jeongin. Hyunjin's mom made a small and cute fox stuff toy for Jeongin, you can say, a smaller version of Foxie. His dad gave Hyunjin his favorite hat to give it to the younger from his side.

"Ok! I'M READY! To the airport WE GO!!" He was excited. Very very exited. If he was being honest, 'excited' was a very small word to describe the feeling he had in his heart right now. First, he has never travelled in an airplane before. And second, he was going to see Jeongin, hear his voice, feel his touch, after almost 3 long years. His happiness was so out of control, that he forgot that he haven't heard anything from Jeongin's side in 19 months now.

"Hyunjin..." Yeonjun call him in a calm tone.


"Can you come here for a second?" he gestured Hyunjin to come and sit next to him, patting the empty space on the couch beside him.

Hyunjin quited down at the sudden change, but went to the other and sat down anyways.

"See, I... I just want you to remember that... there can be any reason to why he suddenly... d-disappeared, so I want you to just... be prepar-"

"What do you mean, 'disappeared'?"

An uncomfortable silence fell in between the two, before Yeonjun sighed and spoke again.

"Hyunjin. If there would be any.... bad reason or bad..... news to that, you are gonna come back to Spain the very next day. Promise me?" Yeonjun didn't wanted to say that 'what if Jeongin has died?', that's the last thing he wanna imagine.

"P-Promise" the boy said in a small voice as his heart pounced in his chest.

"I'm gonna be so bored at the academy without you" Yeonjun pouted making the other chuckle.

"You look dumb and ugly. Don't make that face"

"Well fuck you then"

"Fuck you"

"Fuck You!"


Where the last words Hyunjin said before entering the airport, waving at the other boy.

"Please Jeongin, Please be fine" Yeonjun whispered to himself, watching Hyunjin disappear in the crowd of people.


Korea, 6th January, 1964

01:30 pm

"Finally...." the boy smiled as he looked at the busy city.

He landed in Korea about 3 hours ago and now he was finally in Seoul. He thought of going to the hotel first and keep all his luggage and stuff there and buy some beautiful flowers for Jeongin before he meets him, but he was way too impatient for that. He just wanted to see Jeongin and his toothy smile. So he decided to instead just go to him, fully loaded with his luggage.

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