45. My Butterfly

265 22 37

Korea, 8th February, 1965

"No. I hate you. You don't love me!"

"Baby, I'm sorry!"


"Jeongin, baby don't cry, I'm so sorry"

The older knelt in front of the sobbing boy, who was sitting on the kitchen stool.

"I-I was f-feeling so lonely a-and I missed you s-so much. I hate you"

"Baby, Dr. Yun came late to the clinic. I'm so sorry I came home this late" he pleaded and held the younger's hands in his.

It was 10:00 pm, and it was way too late for getting any apologies.

"B-Berry hates you too" the younger sniffled, earning a loud bark from the little dog who was watching his dads... doing something? He couldn't understand.

He couldn't understand why Jeongin was crying from past 2 hours. He couldn't understand why Hyunjin came home in such a panic like he already knew that the smaller would be crying.

Hyunjin slowly took both of the younger's hands to his lips and kissed them softly, looking up at him "I'm sorry? Please forgive me? Please baby?"

The younger sniffled and pouted "N-No"

Hyunjin smiled and stood up, leaving the smaller's hands and softy cupping his cheeks, wiping his tears away "Don't cry like this. My little looks beautiful when he smiles" he said and brushed the younger's hair lightly with his fingers "Please smile for hyung?"

Jeongin pouted but couldn't control his smile "No" he said, playfully and looked away to hide his smile.

He just couldn't control his happiness when Hyunjin treats him like this. Like a precious and fragile glass. Like if he would let him slip, he would break into pieces.

Which was true. Very very true.

At this point, Jeongin would really break into millions of pieces without Hyunjin.

"Ok tell me" Hyunjin said, cupping the smaller's face again "Did my baby eat?"

"Hm" the younger nodded cutely, suddenly forgetting about all his anger.

"And took his medicines?"

"Hm hm" he nodded again and smiled at the older, making his heart melt.

"How many times are you gonna make me fall for you, you little flower?" Hyunjin whispered and rubbed the tip of his nose with the smaller's.

Jeongin giggled and oh how Hyunjin's heart smiled.

"Ok come on, you need to sleep. Hm" he said and younger immediately made grabby hands, asking to be carried to the bed.

Hyunjin smiled and immediately crouched a little down, sliding his hands around the boys waist, carefully lifting him up.

Jeongin smiled, burring his face in the man's nape and hugging him like a koala.

Hyunjin carried the boy to their bedroom and carefully laid him down.

Jeongin looked up at the older with big eyes, who smiled and bent down, kissing on top of his head "Sleep well, sweetheart" he said in a loving voice, before turning around to walk out of the room when...

"Hyung..." Jeongin softly called him, voice sounding a little... sad.

Hyunjin turned around, he recognize this voice perfectly. Jeongin was feeling empty, he wanted Hyunjin close to him.

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