37. A Love Bite?

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Jeongin's grip tighten around the man when he felt him nuzzle into his tummy and hug his waist tighter.

Both the boys laid on the bed, hugging each other close. Hyunjin completely hugged Jeongin's waist and buried his face into his tummy, while Jeongin was curled up, placing his one leg over the older's body, while holding his head and back close.

It has been 2 hours and none of them has uttered a single word. None of them dared to sleep or even close their eyes. Hyunjin was scared that what if the moment he opens his eyes, all of this will vanish away? And Jeongin, he was scared that what if he closes his eyes and will never be able to open them to Hyunjin's face again.

"I'm scared, hyung..." Jeongin muttered absent minded, burring his face into the older's hair.

"I'm here. I will always be here" Hyunjin breathed out.



"Did we knew each other before my accident?"

And Hyunjin's heart dropped. What caused Jeongin to ask this all of a sudden? Did Hyunjin do something suspicious? Shit.

He slowly looked up to meet the younger's eyes and saw him looking down at him for an answer.

"Since middle school, I wanted to go to Spain. I don't know if I went there or not. You told me you lived in Spain. Have we met there before this?" He was not doubting the older, he just wanted to know. Genuinely. If they really met there, what their bond was like? What things they did together? What all they talked about?

"No..." Hyunjin said in a quiet whisper, looking into the boy's eyes.

' "I'm Jeongin. Yang Jeongin"

"You are going home?"

"You look so pretty when you smile"

"Come on. Let's get you home, hyungie" '

"We haven't met before...."

' "I want to adopt a little girl one day. My daughter"

"Rollercoaster? No fucking way!"

"Hyung, I don't know how to kiss..."

"Well, your 'Aunt Grace' called me a thief and told me that I was a brat"

"You want it to be the last?"

"I will come and meet you again and again hyung" '

"We've never met before..."

Oh how badly his heart ached when those words left of his mouth.

Jeongin smiled and Hyunjin immediately returned an even brighter one, but Jeongin could never detect the pain and sadness Hyunjin was holding behind that sweet smile.

Jeongin did wanted to know if they have ever met before this, but he never wanted that to be the truth. Hyunjin was his life's new flower, he didn't wanted to think about how they were in the past when he can't even visualise that past. He was happy how things were right now. Hyunjin was in his arms, his first kiss, his first boyfriend, first person to say 'I love you' to him. He was happy like this.

Hyunjin slowly scooted up and came to the same level as the younger, looking into his eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked ever so quietly.


He slowly lifted his hand and placed it softly on the boy's cheek, creasing it softly with his thumb, slowly leaning closer, smiling when he saw the younger close his eyes and wait for the feeling of his lips.

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