26. Please

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There was no way Hyunjin was moving an inch from that park. He stayed in the park, on the same bench, the whole night. Although, he knew that there was no chance that even if that boy was actually Jeongin, he would come there in the middle of the night. But his mind just refused to move. The words, 'what if' never leaving his mind. So he waited.

He kept staring at the sunrise with tired eyes. He has cried multiple times the whole night. He didn't exactly knew what he was crying for. The fact that Jeongin's Mom said she doesn't have a son? Or the fact that maybe Jeongin lied to him the entire time and he lived that lie for 3 years of his life? Or the fact that Jeongin didn't recognise him? He didn't knew.

"It was Jeongin. I know it. I saw his face. It was definitely him" he reassured himself for nth time now.

After a while, as the sun rose, he saw old people coming out for a walk, newspaper boys, milkmen, and school busses. The day has started. Everybody was at their work.

"Maybe Jeongin is gonna come too?" he mumbled with hope in his heart, but then he started noticing multiple eyes on him.

People has started to stare at him suspiciously, specially the ones who lived in the houses in front of the park. They knew he has being there the whole night.

So he immediately got up. He didn't wanted to cause a problem in some other country "I should find a hotel first and then come back here as fast as possible" he made a note and started to collect all his luggage.

Korea, 7th January, 1964

8:00 am

"Tell at the reception if you need anything"

"Sure. Thank you so much"

The hotel was not a big or luxurious one. It was a small old hotel. Hyunjin didn't planned to stay in such a cheap hotel, he had enough money to stay in a good one but after seeing the situation here, he just didn't wanted to waste it. He didn't knew what was about to come. What if he needs that money afterwards?

He decided to take a shower to atleast relax himself for not sleeping for 2 nights, and was not planning to until he finds Jeongin.

Getting out of the shower, he dressed himself in clean and fresh clothes and decided to leave the hotel at the instant. Leaving all his luggage unpacked, he rushed out after locking the door behind him.

6:00 pm

It's been almost the whole day since he's been waiting in the park but he never saw Jeongin.

And if he was being honest, he was ready to wait for the whole 15 days and was ready to even risk his job just to be here and find Jeongin. He has worked at a department-store for minimum wage for 4 years. He will not mind to do that his entire life if he has Jeongin by his side.

He was lost in his thoughts and almost dozed off in the bench, when he heard a car stopping by the park. It was not the first car that he has heard all day. Everytime a car would pass by or stops at the park, he would expect to see Jeongin, but it never happened.

Until now.

Well, this time too, he didn't saw Jeongin coming out of the car, but it was some other man, a little masculine, and Hyunjin can swear he have seen this man somewhere.

He saw the man entering the park and walking in. He turned around and saw into the direction the man was heading to and saw a boy sitting on a bench, pretty far from where he was sitting.

The boy was sitting back facing him, so he couldn't see his face. He just kept looking at the back of his when...

Suddenly his eyes winded, when the boy turned his head a little to his side while watching a little yellow butterfly flying over his head.

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