16. To Hyungie

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Spain, 12th May, 1961

"There is no use of crying, he is not here to hug you or wipe your tears. He is not here to clam you down and pat your head. He is n-not here... H-He..." Hyunjin whispered to himself trying his best to not cry and breakdown while fiddling with the keys, trying to open the door of his apartment.

It was 3:00 pm and Hyunjin has just arrived back from the airport and he was just lost.

He didn't wanted to open the door and enter the apartment because he knew he won't see his cute little fluff ball rolling around in his 'little too big' clothes, with a smile on his face for no particular reason.

There will not be a sweet voice coming, saying 'Hyung! You're home!' with excitement when he enters.

He opened the door and it was quite. It was.... empty.

He sighed while closing the door and leaning onto it. Hung his head low and sucked a sharp breath trying to hold his tears in.

There was no use of any emotions now, Jeongin was gone and he didn't knew if he's ever going meet him again or not. So he decided to go and sleep so he can take a break from the pain in his chest.


Korea, 13th May, 1961

Jeongin finally landed in Korea and he already knew his parents will not be there to welcome him anyways. But to his surprise...

"INNIE!" the loud shout grabbed his attention and oh he smiled so big seeing who shouted.

"Lixie hyung!" he jumped in excitement and ran to hug the boy "I thought you would be in Australia?" he asked letting out a happy giggle.

Felix ruffled his hair and smiled "We came back yesterday and I knew you had your flight today so we came to pick you up" he said, sliming cheekily at the younger.

Jeongin giggled and turned towards the other person "Hi Chan hyung" he smiled and immediately hugged the man after slapping Felix's hand from his head.

"Hi Innie" Chan said while pulling away from the hug and ruffling the boy's hair right after "How was your trip? Did you made any friends?" Chan asked hoping he will get a positive answer for each question.

And oh how Jeongin blushed.

He looked down, not wanting to make any eye contacts "My trip was so good, I enjoyed it very much but... Uh, about the friends thing...." he blushed a little, fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh it's ok if you didn't made any friends, it was a different country and it's not easy to-" Chan was suddenly stopped when he saw Jeongin taking a picture out from his jacket's pocket and showed it to them.

"Actually... I-I made a friend..." he blushed even more.

Chan frowned in confusion and took the picture from the boy's hand, but before he could see it properly, Felix jumped and snatched the picture from his hand.

"Aw he is cute" Felix chirped, earning a glare from Chan. Felix always loves how fast Chan gets jealous.

"Y-Yeah, he is cute" Jeongin fiddled with his fingers and reached his hand to take the picture back from Felix's hand, but...

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