33. Hyungie

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"How is he?"

"He fell asleep crying" Yeonjun sighed and grabbed his fiancé's hand, dragging her to their couch. He made her sit down and immediately laid himself down, placing his head on her lap.

"Why his life is like this?" he mumbled, as Elena softly creased his hair. "What did he ever do for all of this to happen to him?"

"Can you tell me what happened, baby? Why did he came home so blank? And why he has been crying and shouting from past two hours? I've never seen Hyunjin like this. I'm really worried, Yeonjun" she asked making Yeonjun look up at her with teary eyes.

Hyunjin talked to their boss for almost an hour, discussing why he wanted, not, needed to shift permanently to Korea.

In conclusion, Mr. Lopez told Hyunjin that they do not have any brach of their dance academy in Korea, but, he have a cousin in Korea, running a dance academy as well. And this lit so many hopes in Hyunjin's eyes, but there's always a catch. Life always gives you 'buts'.

And the catch here was, Hyunjin's position and salary.

In his academy, Hyunjin has became the Lead Dance-Coach under the Main Coaches and had a decent salary. But if he shifts to the academy in Korea, he will have to start from the very bottom. From the training level, because the style of dance in that region is very different and Hyunjin was not familiar with that at all. So for a pretty decent time, Hyunjin is going be a liability for that academy.

But he doesn't care.

He doesn't care about the position or the salary now. All he cares, all he can think of was, that Jeongin needs him, he needs to there, with him, with his baby.

So he said yes immediately and told Mr. Lopez to process the papers for his transfer.

After almost 20 hours, Hyunjin finally woke up and came out of Yeonjun's room with red puffy eyes and swollen face.

"Jinnie, come here" he heard Elena call him from the kitchen, so he walked upto there and immediately teared up.

Elena has was holding a plate with freshly baked Chocolate chip cookies and a paper in her other hand.

She smiled and extended her hand to give the paper to Hyunjin.

"This is the easiest recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Make these for him when you go back. And don't forget to give me credits" She laughed a little before putting both the things down on the counter and moving towards the boy.

Hyunjin hung his head low and sobbed quietly with tears falling on the ground unstoppable. She smiled and softly cupped his cheeks, lifting his face up, wiping away his tears.

"You are so strong, Jinnie. Go back to him and show him how much you love him, how much he means to you" She said softly, getting a small nod from the boy in between his sniffles.

"HYUNJIN! OH MY GOD! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Yeonjun suddenly bursted in the house, shouting on top of his lungs.

"We are in here, sweetie" Elena called her fiancé with a sweet voice and smile.

Yeonjun immediately ran in the kitchen and tackled Hyunjin "Oh my god, Mr. Lopez is the best! You're gonna kiss him if I'll tell you this!"

Hyunjin was not in a state of getting excited or questioning anything, so he just stared at Yeonjun with wide eyes.

"Ok so listen! Mr. Lopez! He said you can shift on next Monday, that is 7 days from today! And he said he's gonna pay for your packing and transport and all the shifting and everything! And! He said he's gonna pay you your next 6 months salary! He gave me this letter for you" Yeonjun announced hading the letter to Hyunjin.

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