13. Innocent

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Hyunjin was not happy. Not right now atleast.

First, Jeongin was leaving for Korea the day after tomorrow. And second, he's been behaving a little different all of a sudden. Since he went to thank Aunt Grace and came back, he's being very distant from the older.

And right now, he was not even at home with Hyunjin. He was out, because apparently, he needed to buy something for which Hyunjin can't come with him.

So Hyunjin went home alone, arranged all the things they bought, and then flopped on the bed with a sad pout, waiting for the younger to come home, wondering why he didn't took him with him.

It was past 7:00 pm, the day was already over and the younger was still not home. Hyunjin was just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling, waiting for him to come.

"Is he gonna leave me...?" he mumbled quietly to himself, staring at the roof "Did I do something wrong...?" he sighed and rolled on the bed "Jeongin! Come home alread-" and there it was, a knock on the door "FINALLY!" he almost shouted and jumped from the bed.

Hyunjin ran out of the room and opened the door, smiling brightly "Finally you are home!" he smiled brightly
The smile which was not returned to him.

Jeongin was just looking down, having blush all over his face, which Hyunjin was unable to see.

"Jeongin?" Hyunjin frowned "Baby is there something wrong? Did something happen?" he asked in genuine concern.

"N-No, um... Can you g-go to your room please? I-I have some work to do" Jeongin replied, clutching the shopping bag with clothes in it.

Hyunjin frowned looking at the bag and then at the boy. And when Jeongin didn't looked at him, his eyes saddened and he nodded.

He lowered his head a little and muttered a little "Okay" and went to his room locking it behind him.

He leaned his back to the door, kept his head low, blinking at his feet with unfocused eyes "He doesn't wanna be around me? Did I really do something wrong? Did I hurt him...?"

When Hyunjin was busy in his sad thoughts, Jeongin was preparing himself for what he was going to get himself into in next 10 minutes.

He sat down on the couch and took a deep breath to calm himself down "Ok! Now clam the fuck down and think what Felix hyung told you" he muttered to himself before closing his eyes and burring his face into his hands.

' "Blowjob! That's the safest option for you!"

"Hyung shut the fuck up, PLEASE!" '

Jeongin sighed, groaning holding in his hands "Never thought that, that conversation will actually be helpful someday" he mumbled as his ears burned red with embarrassments.

' "You are gonna thank me one day shithead"

"Sure" the boy rolled his eyes.

"Ok now shut up and listen" Jeongin sighed, knowing that there was no way Felix is going to stop now "Ok first answer this"


"Soft or Rough?"

The younger blushed a little and immediately looked away, and mumbled a "rough"

"Sorry? What was that?"

"Rough!" he repeated a little louder and looked away in embarrassment.

"Ohh~ Little Jeonginnie wants it rough~" Felix wiggled his eyebrows and bumped his shoulder to the younger's, immediately earning a punch.

"Ow! Ok anyways, now the important talk..." Felix started "If you ever wanna seduce your boyfriend, wearing obvious seducing clothes works, BUT nothing works better than 'innocent seducing' "

Jeongin frowned "Now the fuck is that?"

"Well, for that, first you should know if your partner is dominant or not..." '

Jeongin lifted his face from his hands and turned to look at the closed door of Hyunjin' s bedroom.

'Why you lied to me?'
'Cuz we both know who you are talking about, Jeongin!'
'Jeongin! Come on. In.'

He gulped remembering all the moments where Hyunjin made him nervous by just some simple words or even just by his sharp stare "Yes..." he whispered to himself.

' "If he is, tease him innocently and he will give you the best sex of your life" Felix said, looking oh so proud "Wear loose clothes, really loose ones, in which non of the curves of your body are visible. Let your skin show a little, but not much to satisfy them. It makes them curious, even if they've fucked the life out of you a thousand times"

"Oh.." Jeongin let out, getting interested in the conversation all of a sudden.

"Just be a good boy for them and they will show you heavens. Trust me"

Jeongin nodded like he was taking notes in his mind.

"I'm telling you this by experience. Once I wore one of Chan hyung's oversized hoodie and nothing else, and I swear to god the atmosphere that night was so scary yet so exciting and Chan literally-"


Felix blushed a little "Yeah whatever" he muttered, clearing his throat.

"Oh and one thing Jeongin..." Felix suddenly called the younger, getting his attention.

Jeongin hummed and turned towards him.

"Do it only when it feels right. When your heart allows. Sex is a very big thing, and the regret of doing something just in the heat of the moment can be really painful. So do it when you love that person. Love them with all your heart" Felix smiled when watching Jeongin dumbly blinking at him "Someone who can take care of you. Love you. Be with you till the end" '

Jeongin smiled at the thought. It definitely feels right. His heart did allow.

It was not about sex. It was about, that he was leaving in 2 days. If he had all the time in the world with Hyunjin. With the person his heart and soul fell for, he would have loved him soft and slow, giving their love the time to cherish and grow like a beautiful flower.

But oh well.

He was leaving. And he didn't knew when he's ever going to meet Hyunjin again.

He didn't knew if he's even going to him again at all.

What if these were the last two days of his life that he gets to see that face he adores with his heart, that smile for which his heart craves for, those lips that he wants to kiss all the time, that sweet warmth of those cuddles that he wakes up into.

He wanted to have everything. Everything before he leaves. Every memory that he can create with his love. Every memory that he will cherish all his life.

Every memory that he will cry about every night. Forever.

He blinked at the bag of clothes on the table and blushed.

"That's it..."


Felix : The fuck you looking at bitches-

Felix : The fuck you looking at bitches-

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Love you babies <3


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