43. Hey Baby

273 19 11

Korea, 15th September, 1964

"Come on Berry! Lunch time!"

You know how sometimes we feel, that maybe if we wouldn't have said some things, some situations might have not happened, even though we knew they would happen afterall? That's exactly how Hyunjin was feeling.

Jeongin's health was going down, and it was heart breaking. Specially when they can clearly see how the younger would try to act normal and perfectly fine when he is actually in pain, just so no one's mood gets ruined, just so the environment of the room would not turn stressful.

Jeongin would get major headaches and nose bleedings, he would scream and cry from the pain, and sometimes they are just so sudden, that Hyunjin would feel that he's going to lose him right there.

Jeongin finally quit his job at the kindergarten 2 months ago and would either stay at Felix and Chan's house while Chan works on his music, or at his own with Berry. He would wait for Hyunjin to come back home and would prepare delicious food for him and talk about his days.

Although, where everybody was scared and worried and sad inside, Jeongin truly wasn't. The younger was still happy. Maybe because he was already prepared for a worst time than this. He was prepared for a time where he would be alone in that small old apartment of his, with a nurse checking up on him once a day, because obviously Felix would not be able to come and see him that often even if he wanted to, and same goes for Chan.

He was prepared to die in that apartment, all alone, in silence, hugging his Foxie. He was prepared for a lonely death.... Waiting for him.

He didn't thought he would be living in a beautiful little house, his house.

Walls having pictures of the people who care for him, who loves him. A house with those cute light blue curtains he fought for. He didn't even like that colour that much, he didn't knew why he fought for them so much.

He didn't thought he would sleep in a comfortable fluffy bed. He didn't thought he would have a little cute dog whom he named himself. He never thought he would have a boy who would come home every evening and would hug him until he drops his 'don't worry, I'm ok' act and cries all his physical, emotional and mental pain out. A boy who would give him good night kisses. A boy who would make him fall asleep. A boy who would never let the nightmares touch him. A boy who would love him. Love him so much. So so much.

He never thought he would go out and have fun every sunday. Sometimes a friends hangout, sometimes a date. He never thought he would not feel like a burden. He never thought he would truly be happy from inside out.

He never thought he would smile so much.

"Hyunjin, please, try to understand" The doctor said, visibly worried.

The boy looked away, a little annoyed from hearing the same things over and over again "I told you. He is doing ok"

"Hyunjin, this is not about him right now. I'm talking about you" Dr. Yun sighed and took a deep breath to calm himself a bit "I have been telling you this since you came back from Spain. Don't. Get. Too. Attached. To. Him."

"I love hi-"

"I know you love him. And I know how much, that is exactly why I'm saying this. Please Hyunjin, if you will keep telling yourself that he's going to get better at some point and will grow perfectly healthy again, it's gonna be very very difficult for yo-"

"What's gonna be difficult for me!? Are you saying he's definitely gonna die!? Is that what you are trying to sa-"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying"

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