2. Fireworks

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Spain, 24th April, 1961

"It's so loud... " the man mumbled to himself, sitting on a bench by the river in the dark, listening to all the laughs and happy giggles of the people having fun in the fest with their families, partners... friends.

He lowered his head and closed his eyes, taking a sharp deep breath "I should just go home" he opened his eyes and looked at the back of his hands, at the fresh bruises on his knuckles "But.... It's so lonely in there..." he turned his head to the side and looked at the crowd of people enjoying fireworks, eating at different shops, playing different games.

Small children laughing and running around, some couples having a sweet date with each other. He felt a smile forming on his face as he adored the view

"Atleast some people are happy" he whispered in a quiet voice, with a sad smile. He sighed and got up from the bench, blinking at the night river, shining under the bright colourful lights of the fest.

He finally looked down at his hoodie's pockets and pulled his hands in, fishing them, and sighing in disappointed "Another night without dinner I guess" he mumbled in a low voice and shoved his hands in his jeans pockets.

He decided to stay there for 10 more minutes and then go back home and just like any other night, try to sleep, wishing that he will never wake up again.

He sighed and let the soft cold wind crease his long brown hair as he admired the beautiful river in front of him.

"I want to eat something warm and tasty" He smiled through pain as the memories hit again "I want to laugh like these people too" he didn't registered when a little tear slipped his eye, as he kept blinking at the river.

"What did you make for dinner today, Mom?" he sniffles as more tears rolled down his cheeks "I want to taste those noodles again. Just one little bite? J-Just a little from y-your hand, m-mom?" he didn't knew when he started to sob, nor did he realised that until, suddenly the fireworks started blasting.

He jumped a little by the sudden sound. He looked up at the fireworks with big teary eyes as his lower lip quivered and he sniffled "I-I want to go home..." he cried and immediately wiped the tears off his face.

He looked at the happy and chirpy crowd one last time before turing around to go home.

Lowering his head, he took only five steps at max and suddenly was stopped, well, practically pulled back by the sleeve of his hoodie by someone.

He turned around with an annoyed expression "What the fuck man, what you think you are doin-" he stopped when he saw who was in front of him.

The same boy from that bus, last week.

"OH MY GOD, HYUNG!" the boy jumped and smiled widely "DO YOU REMEMBER ME!?" JEONGIN!?" the younger asked in excitement.

"Oh for fuck's sake, I can't deal with this right now" the older mumbled to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose, getting irritated by how loud the younger was.

"Did you come here to enjoy the fest too!? ARE YOU HERE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!? CAN I MEET THEM!?" the younger asked, looking everywhere with a bright face, still holding the older's sleeve.

Hyunjin blinked at the boy and tried to calm his urge to shout at him.

"I don't have any friends, Jeongin. And I'm going home. So please. Bye" he said in a low tone, and snatched his hand away from the boy, and immediately turned back around to walk away when...

"You are such a bad friend, Hyung!"

He stopped in his tracks when he heard the younger speak in an offended tone. He frowned and turned around with anger slowly starting to boil into him.

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