10. Dreams

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Spain, 4th May, 1961

"Jeongin come on! It's Sunday! You can't just stay home the whole time and then leave for Korea like that. Let's go out and do something, please!" Hyunjin whined and pouted at the lazily laying sloth on his bed.

"But I like it here" Jeongin replied in a sleepy smiley voice "It's warm and cozy. And you are here. I love spending time with you" he stated smiling and giggling, closing his eyes while rolling on the bed.

Hyunjin groaned in frustration "FOR FUCK'S SAKE WE ARE GOING OUT!"




It's been a week since that day. The whole week, Hyunjin would go to work at the departmental-store from morning till afternoon, then come back home to a little fluff ball roaming around in his house, wearing his clothes, which clearly were pretty big for him.

Jeongin was practically staying with him. He would not go to his own rented apartment even to change cloths, because Hyunjin's cloths were a little too comfortable and cozy for him.

And they smell like Hyunjin. That was the best part.

He could feel like Hyunjin was hugging him when he sleeps till late in the morning, rolling in the bed in his big t-shirts.

The whole week Jeongin refused to go out or do anything. He just wanted to cook for the older when he comes back from work, talk to him for hours and sleep interlocking their pinkies.

They had a lot of talks. They got to know about each other a lot more. They spent some days with a lot more tears and some sleepless nights. But in the end, they both were smiling, because this time they were not crying alone in a dark corner.

They both had someone to hug them. Hug them tight.

There was a night when Jeongin cried uncontrollably the whole night laying on the bed. But this time, the bed was not a big empty cold bed. It was a small warm double-bed, where he had someone who laid down with him, someone who wrapped his arms around him, someone who gave him his chest to cry on, someone who stayed awake with him, the whole night. His favorite person.

He was not alone this time.

But it was only one more week and Jeongin will go back to Korea and Hyunjin clearly wanted to do fun with the younger. Create some memories.

He wanted to see the younger getting all bubbled up the way he was on that night at the fare.

He will do that. Surely.

Hyunjin blinked dumbly as his eyes grew wide and cheeks turned pink.

Did Jeongin just whined for cuddles?

"I... I mean..." Jeongin stuttered as his cheeks got covered with blush "Um...YEAH WE CAN GO OUT!!" he suddenly clapped his hands together trying to distract the other. And he did.

Hyunjin immediately forgot about the 'Cuddle thing' as his eyes sparkled over that.

"WE CAN!?" he asked as his face brightened up and a big smile appeared on his lips.

Jeongin nodded smiling.

Hyunjin jumped with a smile "Okok. Where do you wanna go? OH OH! I can show you my favorite river. It's a little far but it's so beautiful!" he said, clearly excited "OR MAYBE, we can go to-"

"Oh no no nooo~" the younger sang, swinging his finger in front of the older. Hyunjin looked at him confused but then smiled even wider "OH! You are gonna make the paln to go out?" he asked, getting his hopes high. And Jeongin nodded showing his teethy smile.

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