30. Berry

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Jeongin didn't knew what he was feeling. There was a strong, sudden wave of emotions that hit his heart the moment his eyes landed on the man holding that Cotton candy in front of his face.

He didn't knew anything, he was numb, his heart suddenly started beating like crazy. But the only thing he knew was, his eyes were glossing up

He was crying? Why?

"H-Huh...?" he let out with glossy eyes and an uneven heart beat, staring up at the man standing in front of him.

The man smiled and Jeongin could swore he was about to cry.

"You seemed sad, so, wanna eat some?" the man asked with a soft smile, offering the Candy to the boy.

It took Hyunjin five days to prepare himself to finally come and talk to the younger. It was so difficult for him to even think about Jeongin without tears streaming down his face, let alone actually talking to him. But as Felix said, Hyunjin was mentally very strong.

He got himself together and accepted the fact that he is no-one to Jeongin now. The boy who once slept in his arms, he is nothing but a stranger to him.

Hyunjin went to Dr. Yun everyday for these five days, talked to Chan and Felix about his every doubt related to Jeongin and his condition. He made notes upon what to say and what not, how to act and how to not in front of the younger. Hyunjin didn't wanted Jeongin to think that he ever knew him before his accident, so he made sure that his tongue would never slip while talking to him. Ever.

In middle of that, Hyunjin asked Chan and Felix, that why were they waiting for him? Why they thought that only he could make a difference in Jeongin's life? And after getting the answer, oh how much he cried.

' "You remember Foxie? That fox stuff toy? The toy you won for him? He still have it."

"When he woke up in the hospital with no recent memories, he clutched to a pillow and started screaming and crying. Back then, we couldn't understand what was happening, so doctors gave him injections to make him fall asleep and this went on for some days until Felix demanded for a specialist and Dr. Yun came."

"After examining Jeongin for a few days, he asked us to bring the things we think were close to him, without him noticing. We took so many things to the hospital. Board games that Lix and him used to play, his favorite coffee mug, his baseball hat, his childhood toys, and god knows what not, but, we didn't took anything related to you nor ever mentioned anything about Spain because... I didn't trusted in you. But after a lot of pressure, Lix finally convinced me to take Foxie to the hospital atleast once, and we did."

"We kept that stuff toy near his pillow when he was sleeping and left. When we came back the next morning, Jeongin was rolled up in a ball on his bed, hugging the toy tightly, quietly sobbing. Dr. Yun tried to take the toy away from him, but he started screaming on him to give it back, and almost got too violent"

"Dr Yun told us that, that stuff toy is that part of his lost memories which is keeping his brain safe from all the shock his brain is going through because of the sudden memory loss. He said 'You can understand it like, when you have a very bad and tiring day and all you want is to sleep. And when you finally get back home and take a long hot shower, the moment you lay your head on your pillow, you close your eyes and smile. That toy is that soft pillow for Jeongin. It is giving his mind and heart a sense of safety. That he is safe.' "

Now, it doesn't mattered to Hyunjin if Jeongin loves him or not. Even if Jeongin fell in love with someone else in front of his eyes, he will be happy. Happy seeing his little baby finally being able to love someone again.

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