34. Maybe Never?

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"So?" Hyunjin asked nervously, watching the younger munch on the cookies.

"You like them?" Hyunjin kept looking at him with big eyes, hoping for him to like them. This was his fifth attempt of making these cookies, but Jeongin was not saying anything, he just kept eating one after another.

"Can I get one more?" he asked with his cheeks full of cookies.

Hyunjin frowned and snatched the box away "No. This was your seventh cookie. No more for today"

Jeongin pouted and oh Hyunjin prayed to every god out there to give him enough strength to control himself from kissing that pout away from his baby's lips.

"Just one more?" he pouted even more.



"Jeongin. No."

"You are mean"

"No I'm not" Hyunjin simply said and lifted his hand up and tapped a finger on the boy's pout.

Jeongin's eyes winded and face immediately went red as he shyly looked away, mumbling a little "You are"

It was almost evening. They both were sitting on the same bench they always used to. Silently enjoying each other's company.

Jeongin was feeling happy, feeling like someone was taking care of him. Don't take him wrong, he knew Felix and Chan loves him and takes care of him with all of their heart and soul. He was well aware of how much he meant for them, but the only thing was, he always got this thought that if he was not under these health conditions, the care and love would've been the same?

A little portion of his brain always told him that Felix and Chan takes care of him because they sympathies towards him. Although he doesn't believe or listens to that part of him, but it still bugs him everyday.

But with Hyunjin? Hyunjin doesn't know anything about him, and still was there. Hyunjin looks at him with pure affection and it never goes unnoticed by the him.

Jeongin was happy that someone was sitting by his side because they are enjoying his company, not because they feel bad for him.

Everything was silent and none of them were complaining. They love the sweet silence between them, but it didn't last that long.

"When are you going back, hyung?" The sadness in Jeongin's voice stinged so painfully in Hyunjin's heart. But he knew, in some next moments he is going to see the world's sweetest smile.

He is going see his world smile.

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow?" Hyunjin said in a serious tone making the younger frown.

"You don't know?" Jeongin asked, blinking his eyes at the man in confusion.

"Hm. Maybe next week? Or next month?" He was loving the confusion on his baby's face. Jeongin was looking at him like he has lost his mind.

"Huh?" Hyunjin chuckled and turned towards the younger and smiled widely.

"Oh! Or maybe... Never?" Hyunjin was so happy to even utter these words. He still couldn't believe he have permanently shifted to Korea and was going to live near Jeongin. Forever.

Jeongin frowned and tilted his head "Never...?"

"Hm" Hyunjin smiled "Maybe I have shifted to Korea? And was disappeared for so many days cuz I was busy in shifting and settling down?" Hyunjin looked at the younger with a teasing look and oh how his heart bursted with happiness when Jeongin's expressions slowly changed.

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