In The Kitchen

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Warnings - Angst! (Like expected) So sad, y'all, mentions of torture, past trauma, kidnapping, things played as sex (I forgot how to word it lmao)

This song absolutely destroys me, it's so good. Playing this at night just brings tears to my eyes

Anyways, lyrics in bolded italics

Bolded italics is easier because I also have thoughts in italics, and I realize it can be really confusing to some people


In The Kitchen - Reneé Rapp

When I walk in the kitchen

My heart hits the floor
Cause it's you that I'm missin'
I still see the vision
Of us cookin' dinner
And you holding me from behind

Steve knows you hadn't wanted to do this. It was what the job called for, and really, you were the only one specialized to do something like this apart from everyone else on the team. You were skilled, high quality in acting, and really, the team had a hard time trusting you to begin with.

Which is what makes it all harder.

Now that he's alone in your shared apartment, he can't help but think about everything. At first, he was too naive to really see what the team was talking about. But then he saw that sneaky side of you that caught his attention.

You always came up behind him, throwing your arms around his waist to catch him even more off guard before pick pocketing him just to have a show and tell hours later when he was looking for his wallet or knife. But he was always impressed, never critiquing you unless you really needed to work on a specific skill.

He remembers your first day, how sweet you were to everyone. How you brought food for lunch and made yourself feel like you really belonged. He had seen the genuine person he knew you were, even if no one else could see it.

From there on, Steve was always partnered with you. Even though he had just come out of the ice, he knew his way around New York like he was back in the 30's again. He spoke to you like you weren't just a coworker, but a really good friend, something you had a hard time with the rest of the group.

At night, he realized you weren't just some girl who grew up in foreign streets, but you were part of something darker. The team didn't trust you on it, but how could he judge you for something his best friend had once done as well? Neither of you were willing, but they trusted Bucky all the way.

And you?

The minute Natasha realized you had been from the Red Room, she shut you out. She couldn't be near you, and it was around the compound quickly. Next was Wanda, who you were slowly getting to know, and then Tony, who liked speaking to you about his works because you were the only one who was interested in his finds.

But no one knew your parents paid to have you taken. No one but Steve. They didn't understand that you were only three when you were holding a knife, and seven when having your first life on your hands. You hadn't met Natasha then, but you had heard of her. Of course you had. She was the best of the best, and really, it was intimidating.

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