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Warnings - Abuse, Toxic relationship

He knew something was different with you from the start, but couldn't put anything together. You were small, sweet, and very understanding when it came to him and work.

But very shy for someone who knows what they're talking about most of the time. Your voice, so quiet and soft, speaks more intelligence than him on his own business, and yet, you never say a word unless spoken to. You move silently, hoping not to get caught almost.

And that was before he had asked you to be his girlfriend. When he was trying his best not to look desperate while doing the most desperate of things to make sure you were safe and on the same page as he was.

James hadn't realized the signs until Sam had unexpectedly came up behind you. And that's when he pieced it together. You were petrified, shaking until he had gently pulled you out of the room to make sure you were not hurt. But he couldn't touch you. He always touched you, anywhere he was and anywhere he could, he didn't care. His hand was always there to assure you and make the silent announcement that you were with him.

But at that moment, you moved away from him, flinched violently at his outstretched hand as sobs almost tore you in half. Confusion and pain was the first thing that he felt before concern, eyes watching as you landed on the ground in begs and pleads you wouldn't be harmed.

It was not a hard thing to put together at the time, but James knows he hadn't seen it for months. You had been silently suffering with all the time you were with him until you had finally broken down in front of him, begging him to give you mercy for just this once.

And things changed immediately. No one was to touch you without permission from him and you, and he was to monitor every man when you go one and one. Even his most trusted. James doesn't know the story, but he can see what it has done to you as a result.

He watches as Steve jokes with you from across the room, his body just slightly more relaxed at the sight of your bright smile. He can even imagine the laugh, how sweet and pure it sounds when you close your eyes and shake your head before taking a sip of the champagne in your hand.

The rest of his men are close in range, all shifting when he goes to move towards you. His lips connect to your temple first, before he rests his forehead along your hair, listening to his longest friend tell you about his pregnant fiance.

And you completely melt in his embrace when feeling his arm wrap around your waist, body instinctively moving towards him while continuing to listen and laugh. You don't even stop him when his fingers pull your dress up just a little more before stopping, waiting for a reaction. A playful glare in warning with a full pout. James swears he has a heart attack at the expression.

He smirks to hide the emotion but fixes the beautiful piece of fabric to not have watchful eyes he doesn't want following you, eventually keeping his hand on the side of your torso to pull you even closer. His chest warms when you let him move you around as Steve speaks, relishing in the fact you are not bothered by either men.

Until you stiffen. Both of them notice, and Steve even looks behind him over his shoulder to see no one in peculiar that would catch his eye. James feels cold when you step out of his arm, setting your drink down on the bar next to you before looking at him with an expression he has only seen once.

"What is it?" His tone drops to a whisper and his body is blocking you from view of the crowd in an instant, hands hesitant on your cheeks. You're visibly shaking, and he wants the tears forming in your eyes to vanish when you shake your head. "Excuse us," he mutters to Steve, only receiving an understanding nod before James is able to guide you out of the room.

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