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It wasn't just their own death you saw, it was yours, too. It followed you everywhere, like a shadow with the sun. Clockwork. Sometimes you saw the fate, and woke up gasping for air, unsure what was real in the darkness of your room. Your bathroom light would be on, showing just a sliver of the open door that meant someone was in there before, but never came out. It was you being called, and now it was much harder to ignore the longer you fought against it.

Without a night terror, you sat up from the bed, feeling an arm draped over your waist as their warm skin hit your uncovered torso. You woke up for something, and you needed to know what, sitting up to start your journey. Like always, the bathroom door was open, the light on to show just how much it was cracked. Only a small bit, as if someone had done it on purpose.

Reluctantly, you sat up fully and slid out of the bed, trudging over the carpeted floor to see what was going on in the bathroom. When you opened the door, it seemed as if you couldn't breathe. The air fogged up with warm steam, but it simply faded away as the area surrounding you became colder, soon the setting turning into something more. The counter turned into rocks and trees, while the shower and bathtub turned into an endless pit of water, your back getting pushed by the darkness that consumed you.

Every scream that you let out, a spurt of water came up, the sudden feeling of drowning taking over as you were pushed into the pond. Vines pulled at your ankles when you tried to swim up, feeling the cold water in your body turn your blood to shock, everything going numb the harder you fought.

Just as your energy was about to fail you, hands were on your shoulders, and the darkness was turning into the room. You turned over and coughed up the water that was trapped in your throat, breathing heavily for how long it had been there. Steve's hand was rubbing your back, giving light yet firm pats to get the remaining water out.

While all of this was going on, the bathtub turned on, and the bathroom door opened a little more, showing the yellow light into the dimly lit room. In the corner next to the window stood your blue-toned body, your hair wet with leaves tangled in between knots.

Steve got up from the bed to turn the water off, only for the bathroom door to shut when he went to enter. Frustrated and scared, he turned around and pulled you to him, curling you to his chest as you choked up the reminants of the water still in your throat. "We're going to Buck's room," he clarified, holding you to him tighter than ever before.

The door opened after he knocked, not letting you down from his arms. You didn't mind, the fact you were still trying to catch your breath. The pace of his heart was soothing, closing your eyes to the rhythm of it. You didn't know how tired you were until you were falling asleep.

Steve explained everything as Bucky led them to the living room, feeling your hands drop to your sides. "When she woke up, water came out of her mouth, and she was turning blue. And the bathtub turned on."

Bucky tried around after hearing that, shocked about what was going on. "Don't go back. You can stay in the living room," he insisted, grabbing a few blankets and pillows from the closet. "I'll go take a look at it in the morning-"

"Don't," your tired voice broke his sentence, looking over to see you sitting up from the couch. "It's still in there, I can feel it. Don't go in there alone." The warning sent chills down both their spines as Steve pulled you to him more, scared he was going to lose you.

Bucky nodded as he gave Steve two folded up blankets, not saying anything more as he thought about someone who would go with him. "Get some rest guys," he advised quietly, being able to hear your evened out breathing from where he stood. "Night Stevie."

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