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This one is a little short, but super fluffy

The life he wanted, was the life he had. The house, the wife, the kid, and the memories. Steve was still an Avenger, but didn't go on many missions because of his new family. His one year old, Abriela, was growing too fast for him to catch up. And his wife, y/n, was starting her new job as a mother. He wanted to be there for everything, and he was simply missing it all if he was gone.

Bucky had just came from the house having the day with his neice while you finally got some rest, which was only a few hours before you woke up to a screaming baby. Steve got a few calls throughout the day, talking to you. Your voice was filled with pure exhaustion, and you seemed to be yawning a lot more than you should be.

This was because you would insist on Steve getting sleep while you got the baby when it woke at night. The first week he didn't let you move, since you were still in a little pain, and on medication from the hospital. You could barely move without feeling the ache in your stomach.

Now, you were a master at sleep talking your husband to resting, while you attended to your child across the hall. Steve would sometimes catch onto it, and stop you, forcing you to go back to bed, but it wasn't often. Probably once a week.

Steve turned in his mission report from a few days ago, and started heading for the door, not getting any update on you or the baby. Bucky was quiet, too, worrying him that something was wrong. The last thing said to him, was from Bucky talking about putting Ela down.

He reached for his phone, and tapped on your contact to read the last message you sent to him. It was a few hours before, and you were taking a shower, while Bucky had Ela. So many thoughts ran through his brain, and he wasn't sure what to think. You were hurt, and couldn't tell him. You were dead, and Bucky was hurt. Or, the nightmare. Bucky's been there a thousand times, and now he had you alone. Stop it, Steve, she's married to you, and has a kid with you, he thought, head palming himself for even thinking you would do something like that.

Steve: Hey, is everything ok? You never texted back.

After he sent the message, he went for his bike, getting on it. His worried thoughts never left on the ride home, wanting to know where you and his best friend were. The worries were there, and now back. He's come home to you missing, finding you a month later. Rumlow, aka the asshole that worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., took you for revenge. You fought him, being two levels above him, but he threatened you saying he would kill Steve, even convinced you he was your boyfriend. Without food or sleep or water, your mind was vulnerable to shaping, and he used it to his advantage.

It took awhile for you to get better, having a mild case of stockholm syndrome. It crushed everyone in the tower, but that only made them motivated to get you back. And, it worked, and you were with Steve again. Everything slowly went back to normal, having a few hiccups every now and then, but Steve is there, no doubt.

Pulling into the driveway, Steve saw your car and Bucky's car was still here. He frowned and slid off his bike, worry rating at him as he walked to the door. The living room was empty when he stepped in, only hearing the tv playing soft music. Your music. "Y/N." He called out, setting his bag down on the coffee table in front of the couch. No response. "Bucky?" He tried again, nervous for what could be happening in the house.

Steve walked around more, checkinh Abby's room to see it was empty. His worry became concern and fear, not ready for the news that was waiting for him in the guest bedroom, or main bedroom.

He walked down and opened the first door, which was basically Bucky's room, to see he was reading a book in the corner. The baby monitor was ok the window sill, the camera showing a black and white screen. It was hard to see where Steve was standing, but he figured this daughter was somewhere else.

"Hey, pal, what's up?" Bucky greeted, seeing his concern look easily from where he was sitting.

The relief that spread through Steve felt good, knowing he was just protective. "I was looking for y/n and Abs, have you seen them?" He responded, a tired smile painted on his lips.

Bucky had a mischievous smile on his lips, but almost innocent looking. He stood from the small rocking chair, which he took from the baby's room, and walked over to his friend. "Your wife said she was going to take a shower, not kidnap Abriela from me," he commented, grabbing Steve's wrist and dragging him down the hall to your shared bedroom.

When the door opened, Steve saw what Bucky was talking about. You were laying on the bed, back down, with your daughter on your chest. Your arm was around her protectively, and your hair was damp. Abby was wearing koala pajamas, and you were wearing the matching pants.

He didn't hesitate to take a picture of you, loving how cute this moment was. This is what he comes home to, and there was no regrets. His life was calm, and finally settling down.

And of course he was putting that picture as his background.

Word Count - 949

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